Astral Evade - shuts it down as long as you hit .7s after stun
Ice armor from reforming - shuts it down after it is broken
Cable's degen on bleed - completely shuts it down [seems to be bugged; occasionally applies degen]
Reflect stun - shuts it down
Auto block - has to be timed properly in order to shut it down; does not keep auto block from happening on consecutive hits
LC's indestructible - shuts it down during the .7s of a stun which means you'll score damage during indestructible
Crossbones' fury conversion - completely shuts it down
King Groot's shrug off - changes shrug off to .7s; becomes irrelevant with maxed parry and stupify; if parried on last fury, prevents regen
Groot's shrug off - changes shrug off to .7s; becomes irrelevant if you have maxed parry and stupify
Hood's invisibility - works like LC's indestructible
Glancing - any hit after a stun will not be glancing as well as a bleed; this becomes more powerful when combined with Omega Red's synergy
Any buff on hit (fury, armor up, regen, etc.) - this is true for any hit after stun or bleed
Doctor Strange's defense buff - for the .7s of the debuff, it ignores the armor up
AV's tenacity - completely shuts it down
KP's rage - completely shuts it down
Electro's thorns - the thorns will not activate during the .7s of a debuff; Omega Red's synergy amplifies this
Hela's indestructible - simply stun and hit or bleed her to immediately kill during indestructible
Limbo on meter gain - this is hard to time, but if the .7s is active during meter gain, it will not activate limbo
Starky's evade special - stun, medium then special to shut it down
Subtlety - completely shuts it down
Rhino Armor - it behaves the same as against DS' armor up
MODOK's shield - it does not remove shield but prevents it during the .7s of a stun; he cannot shield during specials since they bleed; Omega Red's synergy almost prevent shield completely
Morningstar's bleed on hit - it will not activate during the .7s of a stun
Biohazard node - stop bleed on hit if there's a debuff; use with OR synergy to maximize
Mephisto's regen - if debuff is applied when his health drops below 30%
Mephisto's aura - prevents it from activating during a debuff on hit
Korg's shrug off - completely shuts it down
Korg's thorns - bypasses them during stun
Safeguard node - bypasses during debuffs
Spiked armor node - bypasses during debuffs
Does not affect (tested):
Emma's diamond form
Korg's damage reduction
Thor Rag's power gain
Jugg's stagger on parry
Buffet node
The list of things that synergy can affect is pretty extensive. It basically boils down to anything that has intrinsic ability accuracy that triggers or could trigger at the moment Sabertooth is striking the target. I wouldn't be surprised to discover that if you parry Ultron at the moment his heal would start the AA debuff would stop it from triggering, since that heal has ability accuracy even though it isn't listed as such (which is how old school Black Widow could ensure it never triggered, and how current BW can delay or sometimes stop it from triggering).
I was not aware of anything other than masochism and cold snap. Is there any video showing how he can do all that you have mentioned?
Astral Evade - shuts it down as long as you hit .7s after stun
Ice armor from reforming - shuts it down after it is broken
Cable's degen on bleed - completely shuts it down [seems to be bugged; occasionally applies degen]
Reflect stun - shuts it down
Auto block - has to be timed properly in order to shut it down; does not keep auto block from happening on consecutive hits
LC's indestructible - shuts it down during the .7s of a stun which means you'll score damage during indestructible
Crossbones' fury conversion - completely shuts it down
King Groot's shrug off - changes shrug off to .7s; becomes irrelevant with maxed parry and stupify; if parried on last fury, prevents regen
Groot's shrug off - changes shrug off to .7s; becomes irrelevant if you have maxed parry and stupify
Hood's invisibility - works like LC's indestructible
Glancing - any hit after a stun will not be glancing as well as a bleed; this becomes more powerful when combined with Omega Red's synergy
Any buff on hit (fury, armor up, regen, etc.) - this is true for any hit after stun or bleed
Doctor Strange's defense buff - for the .7s of the debuff, it ignores the armor up
AV's tenacity - completely shuts it down
KP's rage - completely shuts it down
Electro's thorns - the thorns will not activate during the .7s of a debuff; Omega Red's synergy amplifies this
Hela's indestructible - simply stun and hit or bleed her to immediately kill during indestructible
Limbo on meter gain - this is hard to time, but if the .7s is active during meter gain, it will not activate limbo
Starky's evade special - stun, medium then special to shut it down
Subtlety - completely shuts it down
Rhino Armor - it behaves the same as against DS' armor up
MODOK's shield - it does not remove shield but prevents it during the .7s of a stun; he cannot shield during specials since they bleed; Omega Red's synergy almost prevent shield completely
Morningstar's bleed on hit - it will not activate during the .7s of a stun
Biohazard node - stop bleed on hit if there's a debuff; use with OR synergy to maximize
Mephisto's regen - if debuff is applied when his health drops below 30%
Mephisto's aura - prevents it from activating during a debuff on hit
Korg's shrug off - completely shuts it down
Korg's thorns - bypasses them during stun
Safeguard node - bypasses during debuffs
Spiked armor node - bypasses during debuffs
Does not affect (tested):
Emma's diamond form
Korg's damage reduction
Thor Rag's power gain
Jugg's stagger on parry
Buffet node
Goldpool's regen
Magneto's (both) damage reduction
Gwenpool's damage reduction
Ghost's phase
As mentioned above, all the counters I mentioned require the “No Mercy” synergy.
I'm still testing abilities.
The list of things that synergy can affect is pretty extensive. It basically boils down to anything that has intrinsic ability accuracy that triggers or could trigger at the moment Sabertooth is striking the target. I wouldn't be surprised to discover that if you parry Ultron at the moment his heal would start the AA debuff would stop it from triggering, since that heal has ability accuracy even though it isn't listed as such (which is how old school Black Widow could ensure it never triggered, and how current BW can delay or sometimes stop it from triggering).
DUDE NICE !!!! I'm opening my first 6* in a month and I'm hoping for someone like him! 😂