Account Sharing within an alliance

I joined an alliance very recently and some of the members including the leader share accounts of certain members that don't have the time to play so they can finish paths in alliance wars and alliance quests. They say it's not a big deal and Kabam only cares about the hacks. I think they are stupid for risking their accounts they spent so much time to build.
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You know that about 95% of all alliances that are 3 Mil+ do that right? It's the only way to keep the performance of the alliance when somebody is sick, on holiday or whatever. If they ban that, they can straight away kick the complete list of top 100 alliances in the game because I guarantee you there are very few people there who aren't guilty of account sharing in some form.
Sure against TOS, bla bla. You really think they are going to kick the people who spend 15 Million $ every month on that game? Because that 1% who make up the majority of that money are all guilty of account sharing.
No, that ban is intended to be for those whales, not against them. Cheating devaluates the immense amount of money they pour into the game. The crackdown is intended to keep them spending, not ban them forever.
If they are "cheating" to win in aw and you know this then you are also guilty. "Cheating" in aw results in more shards which equals more crystals. As an end result a higher sa score due to that. By staying until sa for the inflated rewards you are also "cheating".
Just wait it out for SA rewards. If you truly joined without knowing what they were doing with account sharing then it is no fault of your own. And since you have contributed you should reap some of the rewards. You'll miss out on AQ rewards either way though.
You broke no rules. There is no guilt unless you would have. Ignore the calls for blood.
If you still have the messages asking you to share your account, you should probably forward them off to the support team.
Oh, "the because everyone else does it" justification for cheating. I love that one, absolutely my favorite.
What if he stays for the next 10 sa rewards is that okay? If he knows they "cheat" and stays for inflated rewards due to "cheating" then yes he did do something wrong. I personally would not leave before sa rewards. Do i think he will get in trouble for this? Not sure. Before he made this thread my guess is there was a .09% chance of him having issues. Now that he has commented who knows. Maybe kabam takes a closer look at the alliance and the people sharing are also modding. I believe entire alliances have been banned in the past but that is just hearsay.
Dunno about that.
I will say that map 6 with a global alliance is nigh on impossible.
And booting people because they go on holiday / have an emergency / have a bereavement doesn't feel very 'alliance like'. With 30 individuals in different timezones that stuff happens pretty regularly.
Don't hate the player, hate the game.