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Cap iw science synergy

Pureskilzz000Pureskilzz000 Posts: 17
edited November 2018 in General Discussion
I know with the hulk and cap synergy they take 50% reduced damaged when not getting hit directly does this apply to blocked hits?


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    GNASTYGNASTY Posts: 348 ★★
    edited November 2018
    It does. Also applies to things like Dormammu’s degen.
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    Sixshot1Sixshot1 Posts: 459 ★★
    It doesn't work though. Or at least the last time I tested it against an Iceman, it didn't work. Both capiw and hulk took the same amount of coldsnap damage, with or without the synergy
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    Vinitlalka1988Vinitlalka1988 Posts: 269
    While blocking they are technically being hit........So honestly its working rightly...Its a cool synergy though and has the potential to awesomely working against straight BS Unavoidable damage like Ice Phoenix..
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    It’s a 50/50 response aswell from people in my alliance I pulled a 6* so I’m going to use him and 5 star void I’m just conformation from the mods that it includes block damage because if not I might bring 6*km so void heals 1% with each debuff he inflicts
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    roberto94roberto94 Posts: 779 ★★
    The problem with the synergy is that much is based on % from captain America IW signature level. If it’s low then the synergy won’t always work but works good when it’s level is high. One exception however it seems is for the tech that do well
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    No pal I’m not on about his awakened ability the science one places debuf I’m on about the synergy with hulk and cap does the 50% reduction in damage apply to block damage
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