Morales PI, overall account rating dropped. [Confirmed Bug. Fix in progress]

Not sure about how or when, but few hrs ago we were celebrating my breaking the 300k rating wall in my ally, then a friend stated his morales had a drop in prestige. I had just duped my morales completing 5.2 and awakening him, for a 3098 pi total. Today i got another spidey dupe from the spiderverse Crystal, getting him to 40, just to find out he's barely over 3018 pi. On top, my rating dropped suddenly from 300.090 to 299.822. I guess it has to be addressed to morales.
Care to explain the sudden change of pi? Any other hero had it going?
Care to explain the sudden change of pi? Any other hero had it going?
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
Others from my alliance have reported ms/cap marvel also dropped on theirs.
Tried restarting no change
Kabam giveth, Kabam taketh.
When its 10% of the champs PI? That's a pretty major nerf.. in the past they have said they would provide single champ rank down's if a major nerf were to occur.
I can't speak for others but I would never want to keep him at 4 40 if this was a permanent nerf. I would use the cats to R4 OG spidey or use them towards a future r5.
Strange that your drop was less than mine, yet ended up with a higher PI after the apparent nerf. I can tell by your champs I have a higher PI mastery set up. Very odd
Kabam's numbers are mystical in nature anyway. For instance AV almost never causes bleed, yet his bleed % is 65 and the SP3 adds an additional 25% yet most of the time it still won't kick in. I could go on and on but you get the point. Oh and Magik is another that no one can explain. I have her signature at 90 and limbo doesn't kick in every time during the second bar of power yet the percentage is over 100 - and against champs that do nothing to lower abilities or accuracy.
C'mon In the middle of arenas awards ? Rly...
Tonight i was using a prestige calculator and noticed Miles had dropped by about 300 PI !!!
July 7th
July 19th
Look again! Your lady Thor is lower in 2nd pic.
We have confirmed that this is a bug, and the team is working on a fix right now! It shouldn't take very long, but likely won't be able to be pushed today.
Rest assured, Miles will be back to normal as soon as possible!