Seeking active alliance

Dependable, active player seeking active alliance.

3 groups AW,
3 groups AQ
Map 2 or 3 no donations preferred

This is my alt account (so not a noob) t4ogb3nm1khi.jpeg
and will be ready to join, start with new alliance *after* this season rewards drop.


  • gonzoMCoCgonzoMCoC Member Posts: 24
    Hit me up on line: gonzo814

    Alliance: GGBXS
    Tier 11 AW
    Rebuilding BG3 with full intention of doing 3 BG AW once complete. Only did 2 BG this season. Currently silver 2.
  • SaggypantsSaggypants Member Posts: 23
    We would also be happy to take you in. Our alliance is Invictus. My Line ID is Saggypants
  • 00Deadly00Deadly Member Posts: 3
    We are currently looking for 2 to 3 players to join after AW season. Potential recruits should be friendly, dependable, skilled active players who don’t need a lot of supervision and communicate well. We run Map 5 x 5 a week & currently Gold 1 tier 5 to 6 in AW. The only required event is 3 Day completion w/ an event minimum 15k. Line app is required to communicate w/ alliance. Preferably with a prestige of 6000+ but not mandatory. We are diverse group of like minded individuals who are fun laid back but competitive. If you meet the qualifications please reach out to anyone of the officers CHQ #89NU Line Id: 00deadly CHQ #IpGJ Line Id:Deadpo8855 CHQ #mdD0 Line Id: revdoesnotexist CHQ Line Id: SuperSkrull1 CHQ Line Id PEACEKEEPER
  • RunamokUSARunamokUSA Member Posts: 378 ★★★
    Check out our alliance C3000 Shredders Avengers
  • RunamokUSARunamokUSA Member Posts: 378 ★★★
    We are looking for several players and are a Silver 3 alliance (Shredders Avengers) C3000
    Look us up
  • GorerillaTacticGorerillaTactic Member Posts: 229
    edited November 2018

    If you're still looking for an alliance, then check out The Order of the Ebon Hand [O.E.H]. We're a chill but active 5.6 million alliance that's recruiting three plus players with a base rating of 100K+. We’re Silver 3 looking to advance to Silver 1 or at least Gold 3 by the end of Season 5.

    The LINE app is REQUIRED to join. PM one of our officers (ARGaming86 <---ME, OpethFan1) or our leader Liam Seven (ebonhand) on LINE for more details. Adding one of us is a MUST especially ebonhand.

    IG:GorerillaTactic, Liam 7, OpethFan1

    Participation is key! Group participation in completion, item use, duels, etc to reach max rewards is highly recommended. No donation requirements. We understand that life issues happen, but please communicate. If there are any grievances, take it up with me or another officer. If you do decide to leave us, please give us warning and don’t leave in the middle of AQ/AW. It doesn’t just hurt us but yourself, rewards wise.

    We run AQ Maps 2 and 3 simultaneously when we’re not in the middle of AW. It’ll be a combination of 3/3/2 or 3/2/2. While in AW, we run three (3) BGs of Map 2. We might do Map 4+ if we have enough in our treasury balance. We run AW twice a week and AQ daily. We’re looking to push towards 3 BGs once we obtain a solid 30 members.

    The use of top champs is a must where nothing under 2K in AQ/AW is allowed/recommended. 4*’s 3/30+ is recommended but no 3*’s. No pressure to join AW/AQ but participation is required/highly recommended when joining.

    Our updated stats are as follows:
    5,611,263 (5.6 MIL) – AW: Silver 3 – 1,109 AW Rating – Tier 13 – 1,025,264 points – Rank 820

  • crouton12manycrouton12many Member Posts: 5
    Silver two. 3.6 mil. We typically run map 2 and 3. Occasionally 4. We’re working our way up. We’ve got players of all levels in here. And we’re loyal to helping everyone out. My Line ID is crouton12many if you’re interested
  • Vossler77Vossler77 Member Posts: 683 ★★
    Hit me up in game. Ozzel
    9m+ ally silver 1 gold 3 map 2-3 quest
  • StuziiStuzii Member Posts: 28
    Hi there, we’re looking for active players we have rebuilt our alliance so this is our first season back only lost once and hoping for a gold 3 finish. We run map 3 with map 2 sometimes and expect no donations add me in game ‘I StuziiMuzii I’ or on line stuziimuzii


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