Next season players needed

Looking for players that know what map 5 requires. No babysitting or constant reminding to move or participate in alliance events. Players that actually care. We understand that everyone has a life but also know that with the right people, map 5 can be a breeze. Look me up in game latinsiseneg. Or on line latinsiseneg


  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
  • SleepnsaSleepnsa Member Posts: 8
    Still looking
  • DrasticallyDrastically Member Posts: 13
    I know sleepy and Latin for a while now and they both have good leadership skills and have real good players. Talking to them i know they have had some issues with jumpers and players who lost the love for the game. Given the right players Jokers will be back to what they use to be in no time. If your looking for an alliance to grow with and help out they might be what you been looking for. Send latin or sleepy a message on line. Sleepys line id is sleepy_n_sa and latins is latinsiseneg

    latin sleepy hope this helps...
  • SleepynsaSleepynsa Member Posts: 50
    Thanks for the comment
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
    Awww thanks drastically
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
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