Classic daredevil evading iceman s2
I realize DD classic evades s1 from iceman and any "projectile" for that matter but he should not be able to evade icemans s2.
Icemans s2 freezes the opponent and uses an attack. Technically iceman freezes DD despite his "evading" projectiles %.
Icemans s2 freezes the opponent and uses an attack. Technically iceman freezes DD despite his "evading" projectiles %.
He should alsk evade the first part of iceman's sp2
Iceman started fight with cold snap when he awakened... And no one can't evade any attack of ice man if it will under cold snap...
If daredevil evades his attacks while under cold snap .. Then it is another bug... Crawling around...
You're right ... But ... I didn't said anything about coldsnap ...
Iceman's sp2 starts with a projectile that freezzes the opponent. Daredevil doesn't seem evade that, but he evades the second part which is clearly a projectile.
Being able to "freezze" the enemy on this hit is not an ability that Iceman has. So this isn't a bug ...
Rare chance to get struck by projectiles
End of story