Cold Snap Immunity
How is Memphisto the only champ immune to Coldsnap? Red Hulk and Ghost Rider should definitely also be immune. It feels a lot like they use these sort of techniques to make players spend a ton on one specific character.
I suppose it is such a big problem now (it was a problem too when Iceman appeared) because of the buff tiles on Ice Phoenix.
Shame really - they could have been more imaginative, and had Red Hulk not immune, but lose heat charges to cold snap/frostbite; electro gain power from shock, etc.
Whenever a brand new debuff / ability / efffect is insteoduces, it should be standard practice to reviview the champ roster and update common sense interactions. Roster isn’t that big really, ~120 champs or so.
That's not what the thread is about. Although it is probably brought up because of that quest, but op was generally speaking of coldsnap.
I do wish they added more immunities for this and a couple other debuffs though.
Yeah, healblock node makes that an issue in this Ice Phoenix situation.
How about when you have HEALBLOCK????????????????!!!!!
Shruggers. i.e. rogue, av
Dormammu too should be immune to cold snap
U gonna want full immunity or high energy resistance or shorter debuff champs.
Like this guy said. Immunity isn't the only answer.. Even regen champs can work. Just don't get coldsnapped again