5 star arena

Could be interesting to add just a 5 star arena and let players grind for 5 star champs. Either by winning a featured hero or just a generic 5 star crystal. Just able to use 5 star champs
Unless you're one of them.
That's still a lot. If anyone wants a 5* arena, probably only the top 1 will get a 5* crystal, and even then, that is still a lot. (no, I am not missing the %)
Currently, it costs 10,000 5* shards to form one 5* crystal. It's hard to reward 10,000 5* shards just for grinding the arena, so it is highly unlikely this will ever happen. Maybe an arena that focuses on various amounts of 5* shards, but we already have the crystal cornucopia and 4* featured and basic arenas for that...
5* Luke Cage will be rewarded at rank 1 of the arena