What 4* mutant should I upgrade to R5?

MoeyTehrMoeyTehr Member Posts: 499 ★★
I have four great 4* mutants ready to upgrade to rank 5 but I can't decide which one to do. I'm leaning towards Iceman but Domino is also great. She's unawakened at the moment but I should be able to dupe her in the arena this week.

I'm currently working on fully exploring Act 4 and my primary lineup is Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced), Gwenpool, Corvus Glaive, Mephisto, and M.O.D.A.K., all are 5/50 and awakened except Mephisto who is at 4/40 (but awakened). I'm leaning towards Iceman for the immunities and coldsnap/frostbite debuffs.

What 4* mutant should I upgrade to R5? 10 votes

Iceman (25)
mydnightKingCrooksxananabananaThatOneMasterGamerSidDDragonPrasanna 6 votes
Nightcrawler (46)
Archangel (0)
Jady 1 vote
Domino (0)
Dark89PhoenixDarvFhfjghhggggjfhfjg 3 votes


  • KingCrooksKingCrooks Member Posts: 176
    Iceman (25)
    Ice armor helps too, it's nice to be able to eat L3's every 10 seconds. Iceman all the way. Hes still arguably the best champ in the game. That's my opinion tho. Also, definitely start ranking 5*'s as soon as you have the chance. 4's only get you so far. Good luck!
  • MoeyTehrMoeyTehr Member Posts: 499 ★★
    edited December 2018
    Yeah, I love ice armor, too.

    I'm already shifting towards 5*'s but I only have five of them at the moment (two at 2/25). Mephisto is going to be the last 4* I'm going to upgrade to rank 5 after this, made easier considering I don't have a 5* mystic yet.
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