The Symbiotic Empire is a group of five alliances that share knowledge and laughs to make this game as fun as we can. 276KB has been serving as a retirement alliance but will now be restarted as an AQ focused alliance. By the end of the week 10 proven AQ players will be in place and we wont stop until we have filled all 30 spots.
Line App Required
AQ - Starting at map 5x5 and pushing as far as we can
AW - An afterthought. It will always be available to those who wish to participate, but if you have your 3 best champs in AQ and want to keep other champs available for questing, then place/attack with whatever is left. Also, no pressure to ever revive/heal. Turn that glory into t4b and t4cc shards instead!

If you are burnt out on AW and/or have multiple champs you want to take up but the resources aren't coming in fast enough, this is the place for you.

Contact Dadthony on Line App if interested.


  • DadthonyDadthony Member Posts: 21
    UPDATE - We are up to 12 AQ warriors, and ally will be live a running after SA rewards hit today!
  • VeeTeeTeeVeeTeeTee Member Posts: 72
    So you say you're looking for guys who don't necessarily want to play aw ?but are skilled enough to clear map 5 with ease? Sounds like you're looking for me. Check my profile and let me know if you're interested in me joining the alliance. Ingame nick is Capsicle
  • DadthonyDadthony Member Posts: 21
    Sent you a friend request, your profile is stacked! Let me know what questions you have either in game or send me your Line ID in chat.
  • VeeTeeTeeVeeTeeTee Member Posts: 72
    Thanks, yup, there's pretty much everything I need among my champs but need to focus more on 5*s... I accepted the friend request. My line ID is cptvee
  • DadthonyDadthony Member Posts: 21
    We are soon to be at 16 AQ fiends, still plenty of room for more!
  • Medik101Medik101 Member Posts: 58
    Can't find you in Line
    Same user ID?
  • ムししムしし Member Posts: 52
    Hi if u guys want to merge with us pls check us out
    [Z] devilz InC.
  • DadthonyDadthony Member Posts: 21
    @Medik101 yes its Dadthony
    You can try JCWWV (EST) if mines not working, he’s an officer.
  • DadthonyDadthony Member Posts: 21
    @devilz InC. we’ve got 17 and I see you at 20. If you have a group that’s interested in what I laid out above (AQ focus, AW meh) let me know!
  • DibDib Member Posts: 5
    I’m very interested in joining up, I’m fairly new but I’m grinding. I would love to join up with you guys, please take a look at my profile and let me know. Thank you for your time
  • DadthonyDadthony Member Posts: 21
    @Dib do you have Map % experience?
  • DadthonyDadthony Member Posts: 21
    UPDATE - We are now 3 weeks old and are at 22 players. Once we are full here is what we expect from AQ rewards every cycle.
    Just above 100M AQ Points which rewards:
    ~3650 Glory
    ~3 Map 6 Crystals
    ~24 Map 5 Crystals
    ~40 T4CC Frag. Crystals
    ~1 Fully Formed T4B

    So far with 22 players we are hitting all milestones for every 3-Day Alliance Events, with the exception of item use where we've been close enough that 8 more players will get us that also.

    We still open AW for every BG, some participate (good source of Loyalty), some don't. We are all about AQ but AW is there and IMO fun again because the pressure is off.

    HMU on Line App, Dadthony , or post here.
  • Ivan394Ivan394 Member Posts: 18
    Hey! I'm interested in join an AQ focused alliance. I have experience clearing paths in map 5. I would like join you. You can look up my profile infame Ivan~394. Thank you guys !
  • 4cyke4cyke Member Posts: 43
    seem a good fit for me.
    but i only use ingame chat.
    ingame id: 4 Cycl0ps
    (it's a Zero not O)
    contact me if interested.
  • jshanso2jshanso2 Member Posts: 41
    in game id: Jshanso2 I would love to just AQ focused alliance
  • Johan66777Johan66777 Member Posts: 17
    Hi,can’t find you on line. My in game name is BosOtter, line is johan66777. 7700k prestige and would love to join. Thanks
  • DadthonyDadthony Member Posts: 21
    @4cyke @jshanso2 @Johan66777
    In game friend requests sent. I’ll answer any questions you have and we will go from there.
  • SHAZAM7744SHAZAM7744 Member Posts: 16
    Hey! Are you still looking for players? My current alliance went through a major change and dropped to only 5 members, therefore I could use a new place to win! My in game ID and Line ID are the same: SHAZAM7744
    LMK what you think.
  • DadthonyDadthony Member Posts: 21
    I’ll reach out shortly!
  • DadthonyDadthony Member Posts: 21
    Dropped you a Line chat invite and an in-game friend request.
  • General119General119 Member Posts: 6
    I want join line id rolandas1990
  • RezzyReznorRezzyReznor Member Posts: 36
    Couldnt find you on line dadthony. Search me RezzyReznor2 on line as im interested in your alliance. I have map 5 experience
  • DadthonyDadthony Member Posts: 21
    Merry Christmas forum! We are now at 28 players, with one pending invite. HMU here or on Line App if you’re interested in us!
  • ReppinCALIReppinCALI Member Posts: 10
    I'm interested. Line I'd aruiz06
  • tamaracktigertamaracktiger Member Posts: 1
    I'm also interested. My line is TamaracK thx
  • Ethan12Ethan12 Member Posts: 4
    Hey dadthony can I join your alliance I’m interested

  • VeeTeeTeeVeeTeeTee Member Posts: 72
    one spot open
    we are running map 5x5 with all 3 BGs 100% completing most of the days.
    we easily reach top milestones in 3-day events, summonner advancement results are between 500k-700k each week.
    if interested, hit me up on line (cptvee) or ingame (Capsicle)
  • VeeTeeTeeVeeTeeTee Member Posts: 72
    we are full for now. still in need for one candidate that could replace one guy that will possibly leave in 2 weeks time
  • 2645685726456857 Member Posts: 2
  • VeeTeeTeeVeeTeeTee Member Posts: 72

    Our latest result. I will update this post when the rewards come in.
    Looking for 1 strong player
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