MM Spider Man Second Special Not Connecting [Closed]
The backflip kick in MM Spider-Man's second special is not connecting unless you have the opponent up against the far wall. The second hit in the combo knocks the opponent too far away for the backflip kick to connect, giving the opponent time to block or evade the final hit in the combo, thus rendering it useless. This issue is prevalent even if the opponent is stunned.
Please fix this bus with the next patch.
Please fix this bus with the next patch.
Post edited by Kabam Wolf on
This discussion has been closed.
- Device type
- OS type
- Champions this happens against
- Game modes that this occurs in
Once you get back to me with that, I'll see if we can reproduce this. Thanks!
I'm using sp2, able to make contact with first/second hit. the 3rd hit is too short and doesn't contact which allow to opponent to recover and block the 4th hit (the punch with both hands)
iOS 10.3.1
with Mile Morales against many champs
i use him only on arena so i cant tell if it happens in other game modes
Iphone 6s 10.3