Stop complaining about Kabam

NoCharlesNoCharles Member Posts: 40
I think everyone should stop asking Kabam for more. This isn't a game where you need to buy to win, but buying just speeds up your progress. I think Kabam have made a wonderful game and people need to stop focusing on the negatives points. There is always a negative point. People who ask for the 4* drop rate to be higher are being ridiculous, it is low so that when you get one you get excited if you got one regularly the you would ask for something else as that is now common. I myself aren't lucky but it adds excitement to the game, yes I get disappointed when I don't get the featured champion when I get a featured crystal but then when I do I become so happy. I just wanted to thank Kabam for all their hard work ok this game and others should to.


  • Tmasters1984Tmasters1984 Member Posts: 451
    Man, you need to buy to win.

    I think the amount of players out there that have completed 5.2, RoL and LoL who have honestly spent 0 dollars on the game would be pretty small comparatively.

    Okay, you can get by not paying but there's no point suggesting that the game isn't designed to grind to a halt unless you take advantage of offers.
  • NoCharlesNoCharles Member Posts: 40
  • VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★
    NoCharles wrote: »
    I think everyone should stop asking Kabam for more. ....

    You are asking for a lot.

    When people grow up with things handed to them, then all they know is to keep asking. As they grow older and become preteens and up, the asking becomes demanding and doesn't stop there.

    If they were 5, we would think that they are just having temper tantrums. But this is the norm.

    Sense of accomplish is just a phrase now. It doesn't mean anything.

    When they get what they demanded, they will get bored and move on to another game -- if they can find one to their liking -- where the cycle starts all over again.

  • NoCharlesNoCharles Member Posts: 40
    That's why they should stop. Kabam is wonderful they have made a wonderful game people are just greedy. Like I want Gwenpool soo much, but I don't go demanding for her. You have to earn her.
  • CavalierCavalier Member Posts: 246
    NoCharles wrote: »
    I think everyone should stop asking Kabam for more. ....

    You are asking for a lot.

    When people grow up with things handed to them, then all they know is to keep asking. As they grow older and become preteens and up, the asking becomes demanding and doesn't stop there.

    If they were 5, we would think that they are just having temper tantrums. But this is the norm.

    Sense of accomplish is just a phrase now. It doesn't mean anything.

    When they get what they demanded, they will get bored and move on to another game -- if they can find one to their liking -- where the cycle starts all over again.

    At work we refer to them as the "I'm entitled to" generation. Because they think they deserve every thing to be handed to them regardless of anything else.
  • NoCharlesNoCharles Member Posts: 40
    Kabam do need to improve bugs but their content is amazing so they have rip of offers. Don't buy them. Play the best way. I love Kabam and I love this game. Thank you Kabam. #KABAM_IS_AWESOME
  • Minion_of_DoomMinion_of_Doom Member Posts: 110
    You do not have to pay to win. If you are willing to wait and save up those free 4 hour crystals then you can bank a nice stash of potions and revives to do just about anything. The problem is you are talking about waiting a long time sometimes. I remember I saved up hundreds of those before even attempting Realm of Legends. And I have a bunch more that I have saved up in preparation of Labyrinth.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Kabam is good they are making the game an honest experience. All account sharing amd hackers must go!
  • phammel36phammel36 Member Posts: 1
    Kabam is rigging the game. When you stop a crystal it's supposed to go 7 spaces but if that seventh space will land on a 4 star they'll either go 6 or 8 to give you a 2 star instead or it will keep rotating your crystal for a bit until they decide it will stop on a 2 star instead of a 4 star. THIS IS ABSOLUTE ****. If I pay for a crystal kabam needs to be honest. Their computer algorithms prevent people from getting what they need or want. I've spent tons of money on this game & kabam needs to produce to people who pay for crystals. I'm about to hang up my hat on this one because this is the most biased game I've ever played!!!!
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    I agreed all the way up to "kabam is awesome"
    It's a fun game (when it's working), but kabam are no where near being so amazing that they deserve the amount of praise you are giving them.
    I will admit they surprised me with 2 good things in a row (ban wave and grandmaster crystal) but they're still not awesome or close to it IMO.
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    edited July 2017
    Kabam is doing a great job. It's just that too many people take this game seriously.
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  • JabbawokkyJabbawokky Member Posts: 139
    Kabam has an awesome game, but you have to pay to beat all of the new acts and events nearly. Certain players get dupes every week while the poor folk go months on top of months without getting 4* out of phc after reaching a certain level. Ive grinded just as hard as spenders but have had to watch them grow and flourish from getting consistently blessed with new champs and dupes from phcs, while I have had a drop since Christmas 2016. I have 8 or 9 5* with no dupes and they get dupes every other 5* crystal. Not complaining, just stating facts as I have witnessed.
  • VayzenVayzen Member Posts: 3
    Hello, could you unban me on the account in marvel's Contents of Champions?And then I was banned not for that!And I want you removed the ban!!!
  • TheSOURATheSOURA Member Posts: 674
  • OmniOmni Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    You do not have to pay to win. If you are willing to wait and save up those free 4 hour crystals then you can bank a nice stash of potions and revives to do just about anything. The problem is you are talking about waiting a long time sometimes. I remember I saved up hundreds of those before even attempting Realm of Legends. And I have a bunch more that I have saved up in preparation of Labyrinth.

    Not everyone gets those 4 hour crystals. So yea doesn't apply to some people who started the game during the 2 month window of end of 2015
  • PentagonaldiickPentagonaldiick Member Posts: 14
    NoCharles wrote: »
    That's why they should stop. Kabam is wonderful they have made a wonderful game people are just greedy. Like I want Gwenpool soo much, but I don't go demanding for her. You have to earn her.

    And how u have to earn exactly. ? By having lots and lots of champs r4 r 5 for arena.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,988 ★★★★★
    phammel36 wrote: »
    Kabam is rigging the game. When you stop a crystal it's supposed to go 7 spaces but if that seventh space will land on a 4 star they'll either go 6 or 8 to give you a 2 star instead or it will keep rotating your crystal for a bit until they decide it will stop on a 2 star instead of a 4 star. THIS IS ABSOLUTE ****. If I pay for a crystal kabam needs to be honest. Their computer algorithms prevent people from getting what they need or want. I've spent tons of money on this game & kabam needs to produce to people who pay for crystals. I'm about to hang up my hat on this one because this is the most biased game I've ever played!!!!

    The Spin doesn't reflect the outcome. No one is rigging the game. They've already stated that the outcome is determined when you click Open or place the Crystal to Spin.
  • Tthunder2058Tthunder2058 Member Posts: 115
    Thank you Kabam for all the free 2* and the 2* in the premiums that help me beat the Battle Realm in Chapter 4,and thank you again for the daily un-dupe able 1* that helps me achieve my lofty goals in our AQ and AWs my alliance mates tell me I am a great asset to the team,so thank you again for all the great work after 2 years of hard work and being stuck on level 60 just as long.Hand Clap,Hand Clap
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,988 ★★★★★
    Thank you Kabam for all the free 2* and the 2* in the premiums that help me beat the Battle Realm in Chapter 4,and thank you again for the daily un-dupe able 1* that helps me achieve my lofty goals in our AQ and AWs my alliance mates tell me I am a great asset to the team,so thank you again for all the great work after 2 years of hard work and being stuck on level 60 just as long.Hand Clap,Hand Clap

    First of all, they do a great deal more than that. The amount of free merch they give out is quite large. Not to mention they make the game that people play.
    Secondly, the value of the company isn't simply what we get for free.
  • WellPdpWellPdp Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2017
    Me ajudem a falar com algum admistrador do jogo pq raquearao minha conta e vendeu 8 herois de 4 estrelas 3/30 e abriu 20 cristais Premium e dois de 4 estrelas e 3 de 3 estrelas. E 4:cb de grau 4 Queria saber se tem como eles me devolverem de volta meus itens.
  • Apocalypse_810Apocalypse_810 Member Posts: 108
    Monasou wrote: »
    phammel36 wrote: »
    I've spent tons of money on this game & kabam needs to produce to people who pay for crystals. I'm about to hang up my hat on this one because this is the most biased game I've ever played!!!!

    This is the exact definition of unbiased. The game doesn't care if you paid for the crystals or got them for free. all drop rates are equally terrible.
    phammel36 wrote: »
    Kabam is rigging the game. When you stop a crystal it's supposed to go 7 spaces but if that seventh space will land on a 4 star they'll either go 6 or 8 to give you a 2 star instead or it will keep rotating your crystal for a bit until they decide it will stop on a 2 star instead of a 4 star.

    I guess you didn't know that spinning the crystal is pointless because the champion is pre-determined when you open it and has nothing to do with when you make it stop spinning. And instantly opening them gives the same reward. one just makes you want to spend more because "damn, just missed that 4*. if i try again i might get lucky".

    Not true. I always stop spin right after seeing colossal and I never get him that way lol.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,988 ★★★★★
    ArmandStar wrote: »
    The Spin doesn't reflect the outcome.
    the spin doesn't reflect the real odds. THAT is why people get angry over the spin animation.

    No. People get angry because they see they "almost" landed on a Champ. In reality, the outcome was already determined. They're not discussing odds. Not that it would make a difference anyway. People would still open the Crystals.
  • Etaki_LirakoiEtaki_Lirakoi Member Posts: 480 ★★
    ArmandStar wrote: »
    The Spin doesn't reflect the outcome.
    the spin doesn't reflect the real odds. THAT is why people get angry over the spin animation.

    No. People get angry because they see they "almost" landed on a Champ. In reality, the outcome was already determined. They're not discussing odds. Not that it would make a difference anyway. People would still open the Crystals.
    Last time I heard of someone actually getting angry at this was because it landed on a 4* champ but a 3* Cable popped out.

    It's chance, it sucks when you have terrible luck, like me, but you get used to it eventually.
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