Question for those that have beaten ROL

How long did it take you to beat? If you can recall, what level were you and what were the champs that you preferred to use? I have a handful of maxed out 4*s, including duped voodoo, AA, Blade, duped Sparky, Duped WS, KM, ST and about 4 rank 3 5*s in Luke Cage, Carnage and Venom.
I feel like I could take it, but want to know if I need more fire power or basically just a duped starlord and that is it. Let me know.. any tips are appreciated!
I feel like I could take it, but want to know if I need more fire power or basically just a duped starlord and that is it. Let me know.. any tips are appreciated!
You'll need an answer for wolverine. I bet Voodoo could do it, but it would take some practice. AA could do it, too, with some good RNG.
When I did it, I think I used a 3/30 or 4/40 Wolverine and a 3* guilly for wolverine. Probably used a few revives as well. You definitely have a team that could get through it if you really wanted to. Blade wouldn't be a bad option for most fights thanks to the regen.
I did it in about 2 hours, 1 in previous night and 1 the next morning. This was the final run, practice on winter soldier took more time. Unless you can take down winter soldier without losing more than 20% health, you should keep practicing.
I used 3/45 Archangel, 5/50 Void (for wolverine), 5/50 Blade (for Scarlet witch but since she poisons, it's better to use a poison immune), GR and Mephisto for synergies mostly.
Didn't use any resources I believe.
The fights are all straightforward. Witch poison can be an issue without an immune. I brought hulk, jugs and someone for crit synergies and used hulk on her.
Wolverine is the only technical fight. Yondu would be great for him. Void. Any heal block, reversal counter will do him in.
Thanks again
What other options do you have? Yondu isn't the best option for Wolverine, but it's manageable.
AA against Wolverine.
Winter Soldier zero hit kill in ROL using Quake
Scarlet Witch zero hit kill in ROL using Quake
Let me know if you have any questions. Hope this helps.
Hope this helps! And i did it without any potions
You just need a counter for Wolvie .... Rest your Sparky and Blade can handle
Anyways, since that Ol' Good Doctor doesn't exist now, Duped SL is a good option to do it. if you can't mantain a combo, then Sparky is your best bet, though you'll need an answer for that Wolverine in the path, and maybe an poison immune for SW.
Wolvie has a lot of counters. Guilly, Yondu, Duped AA, Duped SL to name a few.
for SW any good damage poison immune such as Rulk or Hulk would work. also Rulk and Hulk could serve you well against the Juggernaut. Though, any poison immune would help, these two I just mentioned are way better options.
Your ideal team should be: Duped SL, Duped AA, *whatever counter you have for SW, an Cap IW if you have one and a backup. Intercept is what you would want to take less damage as possible but if you really need it, just parry, the damage taken isn't really bad so that's not much of a problem.
If you are good enough it may not take any revive or potion, but depends. Doing it with 1 or 2 revives is pretty much possible at your level
4/40 4star X23
4/40 4star Scarlett witch
3star guillotine
The other two were crit synergies
Last year august. 🤣
Idk what that thor did there but he doesnt help lol. All r4 4* at this time. Guillotine rank3. SL 3* max.
For myself, the hardest part of ROL was getting used to the length of concentration and of focus required to beat this event. Staying calm, positive and enjoying the challenge - learning the patterns of attack and defense - was key.
A common issue was having sticky fingers... a fan on low does an amazing job... and now I use a matte screensaver..
Good luck
4 55 blade dupe
4 star spidey
4 star void dupe
3 45 Ghost rider
4 star mephisto
All fight with blade and void for wolvie
Level 60
Cyclops 3*, Mags 4*, BB 4*, Starlord 3*, Guillotine 3*, took me 2 weeks (Wolvie sucked even with Guillotine)
2nd time (pre-12):
Level 60
4* 5-50 SW on mutant crit team, oneshot everything. She took Wolverine down in 6 minutes. Trick: Nullify don't work quickly? Use SP3. SP2 is tempting, but don't. One hour including breaks.
3rd time (2nd acct):
4* 4-40 Starlord, 4* 4-40 Guillotine, 4* 4-40 AA, other 2 I can't remember. Took me 2 hours and 1 shame revive against Hulk LMAO. Guillotine did Wolve in 1m30 (superlucky) and AA did SW easily, AAR made her not poison me.
It's really not that difficult, just long fights, there are not SP3s to worry about..its actually easier then you expect, don't over think it..bring your team and have a go at it, you'll prob finish it the first try. Good Luck!!
Guillotine 4* 4/40
Star Lord 4* 4/40
Thor 4*5/50
Drax 4* 5/50
Medusa can take down RoL without any problem including wolverine as long as you have one point in despair mastery..
i did it with a 4* dr strange (2 1/2 years ago) try to beat wolverine when he is under fate seal. that was the longest fight ever. now i laugh when i cruise by and beat ROL under 20 mins.
I used yondu for wolverine
I was at level 56