Why would ask this man, everybody knows he is as close to trash as you can get. If only you could have pulled a Juggernaut, or Iron Fist, or the holy grail Deadpool X-force. You got kabamed my man but take it in stride and press on never give up however bad the pulls get.
I really do feel for your loss if only it would have rolled over to that karnak.
Why would ask this man, everybody knows he is as close to trash as you can get. If only you could have pulled a Juggernaut, or Iron Fist, or the holy grail Deadpool X-force. You got kabamed my man but take it in stride and press on never give up however bad the pulls get.
I really do feel for your loss if only it would have rolled over to that karnak.
I mean saber isn’t complete trash. He’s got decent furies, I was just trying to be positive for this poor guy. Cold snap immunity is pretty much useless. And Deadpool X force would’ve been much better than him yes, but let’s keep the forums positive
Why would ask this man, everybody knows he is as close to trash as you can get. If only you could have pulled a Juggernaut, or Iron Fist, or the holy grail Deadpool X-force. You got kabamed my man but take it in stride and press on never give up however bad the pulls get.
I really do feel for your loss if only it would have rolled over to that karnak.
I mean saber isn’t complete trash. He’s got decent furies, I was just trying to be positive for this poor guy. Cold snap immunity is pretty much useless. And Deadpool X force would’ve been much better than him yes, but let’s keep the forums positive
Why would ask this man, everybody knows he is as close to trash as you can get. If only you could have pulled a Juggernaut, or Iron Fist, or the holy grail Deadpool X-force. You got kabamed my man but take it in stride and press on never give up however bad the pulls get.
I really do feel for your loss if only it would have rolled over to that karnak.
I mean saber isn’t complete trash. He’s got decent furies, I was just trying to be positive for this poor guy. Cold snap immunity is pretty much useless. And Deadpool X force would’ve been much better than him yes, but let’s keep the forums positive
No worries, I had stopped playing for almost 2 years. So I wasn’t sure how bad Sabre was. Maybe next time I can get something more useful, like a kick in the ⚾️⚾️
No worries, I had stopped playing for almost 2 years. So I wasn’t sure how bad Sabre was. Maybe next time I can get something more useful, like a kick in the ⚾️⚾️
Sigh, this is why we can’t sarcasm, Sabre Is an amazing pull, I’m just joking. That’s like top 10% for best pulls, but it’s clear you haven’t played with him or you’d know that
We are messing with you man, Sabertooth is an awesome pull. Sorry thought this was a humble brag post and responded in kind. He is an amazing champ once you stack his furys he has some of the best damage output in game.
If you have Killmonger and Omega Red, he becomes one of the absolute best I've played with. Killmonger gives him 100% AAR with every debuff he applies, and Omega Red gives his basic attacks a 30% chance (I believe that's the rate) to inflict bleed. That, plus parrying and masteries like Inequity can have him level lots of debuffs and basically shut down opponent abilities.
Lol I was kind of wondering with the way the poll was going so I was reading up on him😁 I have been gone awhile and haven’t kept up at all and keep the sarcasm up I have to many serious uptight people around I need a good verbal kick in the ⚾️⚾️ Every so often 😁
I regularly use my r5 Sabretooth to clear all of path 5 in war. Him plus killmonger is nearly overpowered. With strong enough opponents, I can get him to more than 9000 attack by the time I reach node 29, without suicides or boosts.
You just pulled a free one at r4. As a 6*, he has adrenaline, so can already heal or 20-30% of the damage to him, and that healing cannot be blocked by heal block, so his signature ability is irrelevant.
I really do feel for your loss if only it would have rolled over to that karnak.
I mean saber isn’t complete trash. He’s got decent furies, I was just trying to be positive for this poor guy. Cold snap immunity is pretty much useless. And Deadpool X force would’ve been much better than him yes, but let’s keep the forums positive
I am sorry my bad, good call on keeping a positive attitude I forget that sometimes thanks for the reminder man.
It’s ok, and I totally agree with your points, just remember it could be worse for this guy. I mean, he could’ve pulled a Ghost!
Sigh, this is why we can’t sarcasm, Sabre Is an amazing pull, I’m just joking. That’s like top 10% for best pulls, but it’s clear you haven’t played with him or you’d know that
We are messing with you man, Sabertooth is an awesome pull. Sorry thought this was a humble brag post and responded in kind. He is an amazing champ once you stack his furys he has some of the best damage output in game.
You just pulled a free one at r4. As a 6*, he has adrenaline, so can already heal or 20-30% of the damage to him, and that healing cannot be blocked by heal block, so his signature ability is irrelevant.
No, you got incredibly lucky.