Map 6 Heimdall on power start 2....real mature

Like seriously guys this is just straight BS. You can't dodge his l2 and you guys know that at least Dr. you can evade it this you are just going to take the special and if you survive then you can beat him. I'm fine with all the other nodes and champs but this is just a straight up money grab and isn't right.
Dr Strange. It's the node just before the second miniboss on the left side.
100% attack, special 2 deals 20% more damage and can't be blocked, Heimdall can't be evaded during his l2 therefore you have to take an l2 that will probably kill you at the start of the fight and attack will scale up on days.
Only the opening sword swipe can’t be blocked. From what I remember you can parry the projectile. Use a high BP champ like CAIW to reduce the damage to (near) nothing.
Day 1 we run this every day lol
His SP2 is unblockable and cannot be evaded. That leaves you with about 3-5 options:
- Hope you get lucky with vision og, Dorm, or Stark and can parry from the start and power drain.
- Use iceman and try to ride out ice armor.
- Red skull and hope he hits into you (even though red skull will time out since he’s a wet noodle).
- LC awakened.
- possibly eat the SP2 and regen with Ultron, Nebula, Ironmen variations. Not sure this would even work. The SP2 will do a significant, if not match ending, damage. The stun after will likely lead to a 5-piece combo to the face and game over.
- Ghost if you time up phasing.
Please let me know if there are any other options I missed.
When you have less than 10% of the champs to face a node/champ, it becomes more about who you have and not about skill. That is my issue and concern here.
Welcome to MCOC. This must be your first rodeo. I’m just kidding.
I did mention above that CAIW might be a good option if you parry the projectile but sometimes what sounds good on paper doesn’t work in practice.
His SP2 is unblockable if he has 1 buff; true strike from the SP2. You can’t parry it....
I’m all for being wrong in the wrong and hope I’ve overlooked or not following something quite right with this. As of now it doesn’t look good though.
At least one person in your alliance should have a high level ghost,daredevil or hood who can miss projectiles or iceman and emma frost who can tank special damage. This would be a **** node if it was in a regular quest but in an alliance event where you have 30 rosters to play around it I think it is fine unless I am misunderstanding the situation and there are multiple hiemdalls like this
Heimdall had the same abilities in the EQ a few months back. You just evade the sword swipe and parry the projectile.
Really, let me know how that turns out for you...
If he has an armor up, it is unblockable lol
So eat an l3 instead?....probably not good idea and also if he has armor up you can't parry the projectile it's unblockable.
Mordo can block unblockable attacks if his shield has been up for more than .5 seconds
His special 2 clearly reads 100% chance to be Unblockable if you have at least 1 armor up buff.....It's literally in his abilities section. He also gets true strike from activating any special and it says....
While True Strike is active Heimdall's attacks cannot be avoided with dexterity.
Yeah first of all. It Not the whole part of the sp like punisher and WS Can be blok one ther rest of it projtione Can be parry becasse spidey man sp1 Can blok the. Webs but Not the punch.
My advice was contingent on bringing champs others had already suggested like Sparky, Dormammu, or Iceman. Luke Cage also works like you said. I'll be more specific next time.
Update - Checked in on our BG that runs Map 6. Heimdall doesn't start that fight with an armor buff. Even with true strike that means his sp2 can be blocked:
And like I said you keep throwing around unblockable but not everything is unblockable. For the most part all the melee hits of a special are unblockable and the projectiles are blockable. Spidey is an exception where it’s reversed for some strange reason. Also specials with only a projectile aspect are unblockable like Punisher L2 or Iron Man specials. That’s why I asked for a video. Because I’m about 99% sure you can just bait the sword swipe, evade it easily (not even talking about dexterity), and block the projectile.