Kabam catering to top 1% again!!!

Let’s be honest, as sweet as these rewards are for the gifting event, unless you are in the top 1% alliances or have someone in your alliance like COWhale who has 240K in units just lying around there’s no way you are going to have a chance to place high enough to reap the benefits in this event! Instead of ranked rewards, in the spirit of the holiday season why not make it peak or milestone rewards and “give the average player” a chance at this?!?!

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Whale cheesecake... mmmmm
I see how good the rewards are. Great. But currently there is NOTHING. I can’t already do in the game that I could do. I’d i had these rewards. (Except raise my prestige?)
Have any of you ever thought of that?
Sheeeeeeeep. Bahhhh. Bahhh sheep
It's thousands of dollars....There is no situation in which I would ever spend that kind of money on any game, let alone on a mobile game.
I'll never understand this mentality. Do you go and ask lottery winners for money if they win? Do you ask Bill Gates and Warren Buffett for money because they have it? This is the point of Rank Rewards. You put in the effort and get the rewards. If you can't do what it takes to reach rank 1, then you don't deserve the rewards.
I'm sorry if you are disappointed in the top rank rewards for the gifting event. Please keep in mind that even if you don't plan on going for any of the top 10 alliance rank rewards, there are some useful rewards for all levels of participation in the event including the milestone and solo gifting event rewards.
Personally, I'm enjoying the opportunity the event provides to help out my alliance-mates and friends in game (with some fun incentives along the way).