Been a tough month for the little guy....

Hello fellow summoners just feeling a little down and I know I'm not the only one a lvl. 60 summoner who's been playing hard daily for 6 months... 100% act 4, on 5.2.4 currently working towards UC. R.o.l. 100%, rttl halfway through ch. 4 and have one r4 5star from 100% act 4, 2 r3s and 11 5/50s.
Just feeling a bit down this month bc the last 2 months were the first time I could 100% master, had a tough time with aegon and the champion at first but kept at it and explored with no items after some time and effort. It felt great. Worked my way through the heavyweight section of champions clash and that was so much fun. I had a blast especially the last few paths but couldn't handle the second part. Was fine by me since I got some great rewards from the first half.
Anyway, I completed master this month after using all my revives but I can't beat the final boss without spending units so looks like it's not gonna happen. If it was just gonna be a few units then whatever but I can tell it'll be alot. Then with variant and now the maze I just feel like a scrub who can't do the fun stuff for the holiday month.
I know there's chilled challenges but I did some gifting and wound up with 6 total passes, couldn't do epic path wasted a ticket trying one run got a stun immune killmonger and couldn't get him down. The other 5 i did master, which was too easy tbh and I got 2k t4b frags all 5 times. Just blah.
This is a lame post I know just don't know where I'm at in the game, I've done alot of research and watched alot of old videos on the game bc I fell in love with it so fast and it just seems like the majority of the side quests that came out in the months before I joined and the early months I played I would be able to do them all with where I'm at now. But now that I'm strong enough for those everything that's coming out is just far too gnarly for me.
I will say that the t2a on the calendar is a godsend and I praise them for all the goodies this month that are free, after the calendar I'll have my 3rd t2a and then will only need one more to get my second r4. Tbh that's one of the reasons I'm so salty is I saw the rewards before the quest came out and based on them I thought for sure it would be in the realm of my skill level and would net me the 4th and final t2a I needed for my crossbones. The only way I can see to get it now is to do 2 purchases from glory store a week for the next 10 weeks. Gonna be a long wait ...
Anyway, if u read all that and have any suggestions for me if you're the kind of player that has been here and is now able to do this stuff, on what u did to not feel glum about your level. Or if you're feeling like me you're not alone, I've poured my heart and soul into this game for the last half of a year. Longest I've ever played a game, and I love it but It sucks they coulda made two levels of maze one at the master difficulty or even a bit above and then the **** show u see now... really sucks I loved ch. 1 of the clash
Anyone know if there's any events coming later this month that could have different levels? Anything mentioned? Thx in advance and thanks for the t2a kabam! Needing one more is a hell of alot better then needing 2 more lol
Just feeling a bit down this month bc the last 2 months were the first time I could 100% master, had a tough time with aegon and the champion at first but kept at it and explored with no items after some time and effort. It felt great. Worked my way through the heavyweight section of champions clash and that was so much fun. I had a blast especially the last few paths but couldn't handle the second part. Was fine by me since I got some great rewards from the first half.
Anyway, I completed master this month after using all my revives but I can't beat the final boss without spending units so looks like it's not gonna happen. If it was just gonna be a few units then whatever but I can tell it'll be alot. Then with variant and now the maze I just feel like a scrub who can't do the fun stuff for the holiday month.
I know there's chilled challenges but I did some gifting and wound up with 6 total passes, couldn't do epic path wasted a ticket trying one run got a stun immune killmonger and couldn't get him down. The other 5 i did master, which was too easy tbh and I got 2k t4b frags all 5 times. Just blah.
This is a lame post I know just don't know where I'm at in the game, I've done alot of research and watched alot of old videos on the game bc I fell in love with it so fast and it just seems like the majority of the side quests that came out in the months before I joined and the early months I played I would be able to do them all with where I'm at now. But now that I'm strong enough for those everything that's coming out is just far too gnarly for me.
I will say that the t2a on the calendar is a godsend and I praise them for all the goodies this month that are free, after the calendar I'll have my 3rd t2a and then will only need one more to get my second r4. Tbh that's one of the reasons I'm so salty is I saw the rewards before the quest came out and based on them I thought for sure it would be in the realm of my skill level and would net me the 4th and final t2a I needed for my crossbones. The only way I can see to get it now is to do 2 purchases from glory store a week for the next 10 weeks. Gonna be a long wait ...
Anyway, if u read all that and have any suggestions for me if you're the kind of player that has been here and is now able to do this stuff, on what u did to not feel glum about your level. Or if you're feeling like me you're not alone, I've poured my heart and soul into this game for the last half of a year. Longest I've ever played a game, and I love it but It sucks they coulda made two levels of maze one at the master difficulty or even a bit above and then the **** show u see now... really sucks I loved ch. 1 of the clash
Anyone know if there's any events coming later this month that could have different levels? Anything mentioned? Thx in advance and thanks for the t2a kabam! Needing one more is a hell of alot better then needing 2 more lol
I've done everything I can perma-quest-wise and have been stuck at a wall. I don't have any of the champs I need to beat them so it will be a unit fest if I want to.
I just push on though and wait for EQ's cause those are fun.
Edit: could you post your roster, it’d be easier to give advice if I knew what you’re working with
Ok posted, pics are 2 weeks old, only difference is SW is at r5 now as well, have resources for a tech, cosmic, and mystic rank up t4c wise, saving skill for r4 Xbones, any advice would be great, ty
I'm with you, I very much look forward to the monthly eq, especially the last few chapters bc the first few are too easy the last ch. Is a challenge, one that's very doable except for the very last fight which srsly crushes my soul ha
Thank u so much man, it's been a crazy ride since june alot of ups and downs, I wish I amhad posted this a few weeks ago, I would have done quake instead of og hulk, I did him specifically for the collector, I was on the fence bad between him and quake but he was my first r4 awakened 4 star and going for UC now I did hulk, thinking I should have done quake but can do her next, I can quake and bake a bit but will practice more, I know her basics but any tips on the specific instances u mentioned or upcoming things in act 5 u used her for and where u use her on your regular weekly and monthly stuff? Thx for the advice
As someone who just recently got over this hump, the best thing you can do is just keep going. Heck, i have a 4 r4s and a 6* and i still feel like i can hardly keep up with the new content they are putting out. You have a really good roster and you will be able to do plenty with it. There willl be a lot more to come and yes it will be most likely be super high level stuff but as they release more events items will become easier to get and you will level up faster.
When i went through 5.2.4 awoken AA was a god. The his heal block made that level so much easier. I know you may want to focus on your 5* over your 4* but try ranking your 4* and learning how to really fight with him.
I can take up AA in the next week or two, this Is kind of advice I'm looking for, specific champs for the content I'm about to do, ty
Ty, do i have to play a specific way to get around the masochism or can ibjuat play totally normal, or do I parry then 2 hit, parry 2 hit over and over? Know what synergy does but not exactly how it works ty
Masochism should be quite simple for initial run, ghost rider and X-23 are amazing sustain options. The rest of the team should be X bones SW and CAIW, that’ll give ghost rider and SW more damage. Should be a breeze if you take your time.
We've all been there. Trust me.
Also, kudos for using paragraphs and punctuation. You're a true hero for this.
I feel you mate. I'm f2p, been playing for 6 months, currently at level 56 with a r4 5* and another five champs at 3/45 or 5/50.
I became uncollected just last night.
I feel exactly the same as you do. What I can say is just try your best to focus on what you enjoy most about the game. There will always be quests that are out of our reach right now. You will feel disappointed not to be able to do them right now because the rewards are so useful to your current roster. But look at it this way: you've come a long way to reach your current position now and I'm sure you've had many great moments. It will take some time but one day you will be able to do those quests and you'll have many more enjoyable moments in the future.
Good luck in becoming uncollected btw, and feel free to ask if you need any help. I'm a very average player in terms of skill but I'm still enjoying the game so far.
Why can’t the tougher allies have tougher wars amongst themselves? I don’t see a problem with that. The problem is an issue when we begin to compare what we have with the people of master allies. Stop watching videos of mass crystal openings if you can’t handle it. It’s not only unhealthy but impractical for your inner-peace and happiness.. Jus relax, have a cup of egg-nog, and jus enjoy the grind..
Are the rewards worth it? No, especially when it’s targeted for end game content. They should have t5b fragments and 6* shards.
What’s an extra t2a and some 5* shards gonna do for end game players? It’s discouraging for an event, and a CHRISTMAS event for that matter.. Smh
Invite other people to do your crystals and let other people get you stuff to play with.. remembering who got this champ as you play..
You could even have a pet open a crystal for you.. jus be creative with what you have and stop staring in the water of disappointment
I do the same thing lol makes it more enjoyable, I think and your ppl get to see you crazy stoked if they bring you a fortunate opening. Way to be awesome lol
How, is it possible that I'm facing a iron patriot @ 3450 with Corvis @ 3400 and after applying my 3rd tier special he receives only 1% damage total?
Also, after he beat me I used GG @ 3500 3rd tier special and that didn't effect him AT ALL!!
I know that the game can't be easy but I'm not a **** player and have beaten ranked players but this type of **** continues to follow me around on the game... I have been playing for several years now and reluctantly bought upgrade bundles knowing that it was all a sham but now this proof..
First it was the fraudulent odds of crystal drops, then this....this game preys on the ideas of people who remember when things seemed more fair... I haven't received anything other than a 2* champion in the featured crystal in over three months!
Well, as of the new year I will be deleting Netmarbles cash cow from my tablet, the game has become quite bourgeois and elitist....
A game that only rewards and appreciates the 1% of which I and 98 % of the others are not .....
1. Keep pushing on harder content and building skills but don’t break your wallet. The more you practice the easier. Your pulls won’t always be kind to your roster. Don’t place a ton of hope on every crystal you pull. I struggled getting strong champs and had to learn to beat content with lesser champs. When I finally got some god tiers things became relatively easy as I was already built skills to get through with lesser champs. Though my struggle is constantly pulling **** 5 star champs while I have materials sitting in overflow all the time.
2. Find a fun alliance that has good crew to joke around with and also with some experience folks to give good tips and tricks. A fun group can really make things a little better and help make the misery a little less miserable. A fun alliance is key to making this game more fun if that’s what you want.
3. Make sure you aren’t caught up in the rat race of the game or be trying to push to the top. Just be happy playing the game and slowly get better. It’s a marathon not a sprint unless you are trying to get to the top then disregard this point.
4. Watch some vids on play styles and strategies. Make a focused effort to get better and build the skills you are not good at and practice them. Duel the champs you are bad against. In arena practice skills you are bad at like intercepting/heavy counter/shallow evade. In the end practice makes perfect so use make mindless activities beneficial for your game.
Thanks for taking the time in a response to me, I have tried to do all of what you've mentioned but it seems that Murphy's law follows me around this game...maybe I'll try to start an alliance or join a fun one like you suggested... any suggestions?