IW IM on the Maze - Possible Bug

It seems like armor break abilities aren't affecting the Agression:Armor node.
He had 10 armor ups. I parried with Corvus and caused 10 armor breaks on him. However, none of the armor's were removed, and they were still there ready for the next auto-block (and still triggering his passive power gain)
He had 10 armor ups. I parried with Corvus and caused 10 armor breaks on him. However, none of the armor's were removed, and they were still there ready for the next auto-block (and still triggering his passive power gain)
I have seen this as well with my corvus.
You can actually. Corvus ability works with armor up effects, so both.
What's happening is, the armors aren't going away even if armor breaks are applied.
So Corvus ability allows him to place an armor break for each armor effect on the opponent. but since agressive armor works the way it is, the armors itself won't be removed since they aren't affected by armor breaks. Additionally, Corvus doesn't have the ability to "remove" armor up effects with his armor breaks (unless the armor's are naturally removed, in other abilities or nodes).