4 players looking to leave a 7.5mil alliance for similar ranked alliance
Our alliance leader left about 2 months ago, and we are not getting along with the new leadership group. Looking for a new alliance in the 7-9 mil range that will take all of us at one time. Our current alliance runs 4x map5, and 1x map 2/3. We run 2 group wars. Looking for something similar, and we all have a pretty easy time with AQ5, but like the ideas of running 3bg wars instead of 2. Post your line ID in this thread if you think we may be a fit and I'll reach out to go over any questions you may have. We prefer a relaxed, freindly group that finishes their AQ 95% of the time, but isn't going to freak out and boot people if they occasionally have work commitments as long as absences are stated in advanced.