Duped my 4* Gulk from a PHC!

heyoitsmeheyoitsme Member Posts: 45
...and impulsively ranked him up to rank 4...
I've heard good things about Gulk, especially for act 5, I didn't mess up too bad did I?

Duped my 4* Gulk from a PHC! 26 votes

You done did good, Gulk is great for AW, AQ, Event, and story!
adqqedfyvrLt_Magnum_1YouconfusedTheMightyKahr10or_StrongBatpotterDrBruceWayneZombieZeddFhfjghhggggjfhfjgXxOriginalxXRunamokUSADisgruntled_User_123Rehan010_LoctiteSuperGlueBatman1903LostReplica23Asto03AlexAvalonElwix 19 votes
Meh, not the worst, he's ok in AW and AQ.
fish8sixAnonymous346The_red_EclipseThanos_Car 4 votes
Meh, he's only good against specific nodes.
sbdjdk 1 vote
Bro wth, I'd rather rank up my colossus!
JOHNOSA1995Sérgio_321 2 votes


  • JOHNOSA1995JOHNOSA1995 Member Posts: 536 ★★
    Bro wth, I'd rather rank up my colossus!
    Just up 5 star
  • heyoitsmeheyoitsme Member Posts: 45
    As a disclaimer, I'm not the most advanced summoner, so I don't have the luxury of having several good tier 5*'s, I do have Starkey 5*, but thats my only real good 5* champ
  • heyoitsmeheyoitsme Member Posts: 45
    Looking pretty solid so far :)
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    You done did good, Gulk is great for AW, AQ, Event, and story!
    Gulk is one of my favorite science champs. He has a lot of utility, can still build up some impressive damage, and as a variation of Hulk he has a high health pool to tank out a bit. You won't regret having him a stronger member of your team. I have him as a 5* 3/45 and it's a constant battle for me between him, Quake, and Luke Cage as to which science I may next take to 4/55.
  • RunamokUSARunamokUSA Member Posts: 381 ★★★
    You done did good, Gulk is great for AW, AQ, Event, and story!
    And being duped he has the chance to get a regen. I use my 4* everyday for AW,AQ and questing.
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