How skilled are you at this game?

I watched @Seatin beat Act 4 Maestro with 2 and 3 stars on his Free to Play account... and Master mode on the Evenet Quest... and he says he’s not the most skilled player!
It took me a stacked roster of 4/40 champs and I still had to use multiple revives...
Where would you rank your skills in this game?
Edit- that first poll choice should say Maxed 2 Star Champions.
It took me a stacked roster of 4/40 champs and I still had to use multiple revives...
Where would you rank your skills in this game?
Edit- that first poll choice should say Maxed 2 Star Champions.
How skilled are you at this game? 106 votes
I’m definitely not at Seatin’s level but I could probably hold my own in Act 4 with maxed 3 stars
Yeah... never understood this.
I beat Act 4 with 4*s and suicides.
Who’s Seatin?
some youtube guy that these people worship it's hilarious
MCOC Jesus.
Jealous much?
It isn't really that hard lol.
A few paths used to be brutal. That jugs for one. Straight path to venom was always tricky. Starburst, degen, thorns special 3s.. all stuff that is toned down or gone now.
People these days have no idea how bad act 4 was pre 12.0 compared to now.