6* Omega red worth 2/35?

I just got a 6* omega red unduped and I I’m enjoying him so far and I was just wondering if he’s worth getting up to 2/35 I have enough resources to do it,just want more opinions before I I do so. Thanks in advance
Champs needing awaken and benefit greatly from high sig you may be better off with a r5 5* over r2 6* at this stage and for quite some time. Yes 6* will ultimately replace but may be a year or longer before you awaken and get any decent sig level on 6* -> only Kabam knows when they will increase speed of acquiring 6*... 5* took awhile before they really started throwing more 5* shards around. And worst case with a 5* r5 OR and getting 6* OR awaken later is you can drop him on AWD or have two to play different modes with (AWO, AWD,questing etc)
Caiw is still awesome unduped, omega red is not (still good but not god). Ranking up a 6* is a lot of resources for someone that may not be great for a year or more. This reminds me of people saying to r3 bad 5*s over god 4*s because “it’s a 5*”. Bad advice.
I r5’d my max sig 5* void over my 6* void because that’s the smart move.
Planning for the foreseeable future in my eyes is for the most part r5 5* at this stage with only a few exceptions. By time you can start r3 multiple 6* the dynamics of the game can change a lot and even then, there is still AWD for your r5 5* to be used in for a long time.
Apparently not as familiar as I should be.
No worries, I didn't take it that way but appreciate your civil attitude.
I was looking at it like this. OP enjoys playing Omega as is. As a 6* he has regen plus adrenaline, that's huge. He does have spores and death field, I was not aware of the dramatic difference with the sig scaling. All good discussion to give the OP some weights on their decision
Post a pic here. Thanks.
For reference from 10 and under it's really low. Once over 10 with deathfield is where you see the great impact.
That's where the sig level comes in.
At Sig 200 which is mine each spore stack (once over 10+) will deal 1984 damage. Without this ability i'm afraid he doesn't even do about 600.
Also Omega doesn't hit hard necessarily since most of the damage comes from his spores.
I don't recommend using 3 T5B on him when not awakened.
Yes. But her sig is the most useless in the game