Featured 5 star or standard.

This will only be my second 5 star hero (my first was cyclops blue team) I have 15,000 5 star shards. I desperately want a 5 star omega red. He was added to the standard crystals today anyway. Should I get the feature done 5 star or the standard.
Howard the duck
Jane Foster
Yellow Cyclops (three times)
Spider Man symbiote
Spider Man classic
In general that will be true for most players, but it is worth making sure it actually is true if that is your goal. In my case I fell into the rare circumstance that at the time the current featured 5* crystal was released I had about half the 5* champs in the basic crystal but only three of the champs in the featured. Mathematically speaking, it was more likely that I would get more new champs from opening featured crystals than basics, even accounting for the higher cost, so I decided to conduct an experiment and pull those until the current iteration ran its course.
In fact, with two weeks to go it hasn't quite worked out that way, but that's luck of the draw. I still don't recommend doing this, but in my case it was worth giving it a shot.
That is why the featureds are a waste. Too much of a chance you get something from the basic. At least you did not get a total trash champ. They love to put soooo many trash champs in the featured crystals. I tried 3-4 both 5* & 6* and got all trash champs so i am off them completely.
They don't have to put all god tier in the featured but for the extra 5k shards they could at least remove the trash like Rhino, Karnak, cyclops, KG, etc....
Dormammu is one of the best power control champs out there, in my opinion. His SP2 can power lock and power burn (if timed right), allowing you to keep the opponent's power limited. I find him effective against power gain champs like Hyperion. Also, his immunities are of course quite useful, and he has some interesting synergies. If you run lots of villains in your teams and have Hood, the synergy between those two allows a chance for villains to revive with some of their HP on what would be a knockout hit. I've found that to be a useful addition when making him the 5th in a Ghost-Wasp-Antman-Hood team (since Ghost is a villain she benefits from it).