Problems with Sabretooth/Killmonger synergy

FitzhueFitzhue Member Posts: 15
With this synergy, Sabretooth is supposed to be able to bypass the masochism node. But on node 29 in aw Challenger map, he's only bypassing it about 50% of the time. I've only noticed this bug on this specific node. In questing it works just fine.


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    What other nodes are there, and which was the enemy you were fightning against
  • FitzhueFitzhue Member Posts: 15
    It was against blade, he had less than a bar of power. The other nodes are cornered and aspect of evolution
  • HaminHamin Member Posts: 2,444 ★★★★★
    Aspect of Evolution increases ability accuracy. Since he starts with 1 bar, the AAR isn't 100%.
  • TJ26TJ26 Member Posts: 7
    I’ve also noticed this the last couple times I fought Killmonger on 29 with Sabertooth and this has never happened to me before those times
  • demeddemed Member Posts: 81
    Any news on this? It happened tome too...
  • FitzhueFitzhue Member Posts: 15
    Yes actually. It's the aspect of evolution, as mentioned above. So the chance of masochism triggering is above 100%, so st doesn't reduce it all the way to 0%
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