What champ that you thought would be good in game turned out to be trash?
When you first joined the game, is there a champion that you thought would be good, but was bad in game? Mine was iron fist. They did him dirty.
Good one.
I don't see what is so bad about Sentry. He is a very solid champ, especially when it comes to long fights. I prefer him to Void any day of the week.
I thought he had the cosmic cube, not the tesseract.
In the films the cosmic cube that red skull has/had is known as the tesseract which is then later revealed to have the space stone inside.
This. Holy ####, this.
Needless to say the conclusion. xD
Totally agree, guessing most people not knowing how to use him or hearing somewhere he's bad and just saying the same. It's awesome watching Idelest use him and he'll only get better with aegon and the champion synergies.
Literally has the powers of a god, unlimited telekinesis and telepathy
Yet Emma frost makes her look like garbage