Looking for new home - gold alli
Hey everyone,
Currently looking for a gold alliance to join. 380K and active every hour or so.
Unless I’m sleeping lol - UK time zone.
Got discord and line app.
Use to running Map 4 & 5.
My bro is also looking for an alliance too and he’s very solid and super active also, he’s 270K.
Darth_Semz on Line, Discord and In Game 🖤
Currently looking for a gold alliance to join. 380K and active every hour or so.
Unless I’m sleeping lol - UK time zone.
Got discord and line app.
Use to running Map 4 & 5.
My bro is also looking for an alliance too and he’s very solid and super active also, he’s 270K.
Darth_Semz on Line, Discord and In Game 🖤