ACT 5.2 Really?

I probably know this was mentioned multiple times here but i will address it one more time.
I almost 100 percent ACT 5. It is impossible to not use units in this ACT. This is not my problem i use units here and there but come on these rewards are pure trash compared to the level of difficulty.
This act at least should have an 5 star Awakening crystal, more 5 star shards and at least 1 T2A. ACT 5.2 is the second hardest content in the game after LOL. What criteria are you using for rewards because it looks like this is outrageous.
I have faith in you, I truly hope you dont do this fiasco in 5.3.
Damn everytime i look the rewards i feel like smashing my phone, they are an Eye sore.
I almost 100 percent ACT 5. It is impossible to not use units in this ACT. This is not my problem i use units here and there but come on these rewards are pure trash compared to the level of difficulty.
This act at least should have an 5 star Awakening crystal, more 5 star shards and at least 1 T2A. ACT 5.2 is the second hardest content in the game after LOL. What criteria are you using for rewards because it looks like this is outrageous.
I have faith in you, I truly hope you dont do this fiasco in 5.3.
Damn everytime i look the rewards i feel like smashing my phone, they are an Eye sore.
The rewards may actually not be underwhelming. According to Kabam, the grandmaster's favour contains numerous incentives that are coming soon, so it may actually be well worth completing it. Exploration wise...a bit disappointing to say the least, but I still did it for the rank up gem and T4cc.
Being forced to use it on a 4*, it would be more beneficial if you could use those cats on your 5*
The rewards still suck though
Dude be patient, those rewards r only for chapters 1 and 2...imagine the rest
And honestly, after the Daily Crystal rework, it'll be worth. min 750 T4 shards daily forever are worth way more than a few revives wasted on the collector.
Fine by me
5 generic signature stones is a slap on the face! It should have been 20 generic 5 stars stones.
1900 5 stars shards? It should have been at least 3000.
2 T4B? It should have been 5.
1 T4cc seriously? Either 3 T4CC or 1 T2A.
A rank up gem random? For a 4 star? For what? It should have been generic at least.
The Daily crystal overhaul is good to say the least however it does not take away from the fact that this rewards dont make sense for the level of difficulty period.
So there's a competition and you don't like the prize.. Guess what.. You can choose not to participate.
75% of the posts in this forum are cry posts
You officially have talent for the obvious!!
5.2 does not reflect rewards accordingly for the quest. I 100 percent the thing and did not do it for the rewards just to be ready when 5.3 comes out. If rewards are adjusted properly it will benefit all of us.
What competition are u talking about? If you have nothing smart to say go and keep playing act 3.
The rewards really weren't what I'd have liked them to be but they were fine especially in light of the new daily crystal. There's still more to come.
There are a lot of people who will need to buy their way through for roster or skill reasons but that's their choice. If it's too hard for you to beat with a comfortable use of items or units grow stronger first. Not all content is meant for everyone.
Fact is, there's no content that they can make that will give top players a challenge unless they use ridiculous nodes or a boss like the Collector. The players are much too good in a straight up fight.
All that is to say that the rewards in Act 5 are progressing, and judging them based off of 5.2 is rather short-sighted. I'm working on exploring it now, but not rushing and won't spend units on it as I have a lot of items in stash. Completing 5.2 has been set as an in-game benchmark and a high percentage of players can reach it for very cheap or free.
In summation...stop whining, it's not that bad.
It's not that much effort though, outside of the collector fight that you have to do 5 times. The rest is pretty straight forward and fun.