I had to go back to December 13th, 2018 to where the power boost where last in store.
Meanwhile Combat Regeneration and Invulnerability boost have recycled 3 times since then.
There should be a set cycle for them all.
Meanwhile Combat Regeneration and Invulnerability boost have recycled 3 times since then.
There should be a set cycle for them all.
Were you or anyone able to address this to the game team?
“Loyalty boosts are on a random schedule. There has been no direct action taken by the game team to counter all the bosses being soloed by Magik and Corvus. It is strictly coincidental that 26 days have passed without this one boost being offered while every single other boost that exists has been offered a minimum of 3 times.
Since this issue has been addressed, this thread is now closed.”
Is there a reason that game team needs to address the fact that you don't understand what random means?
Yes, because its been been a month, and no matter how "random" you may think this is, they haven't been available.
Regen boost and Invulnerability boost have came up 3 times each since the last advanced power boost has been available. That's definitely very "random" huh.
So you responded just to reiterate that don't know what random means? Thanks, I guess?
You're very welcome!
The previous few AW seasons worth of power boosts history/frequency in the loyalty store challenges the notion that war boosts are on random schedule. There were months where the power boost and other war boosts appeared in the loyalty store once per week on the same day. If I remember correctly power boosts were available between Friday-Sunday for a 24 hour period. Going from a 2-3+ months long pattern of this to power boosts not being offered for 4 weeks is not a typical example of how RNG works. RNG can account for this but it is odd that no other war boost has displayed a similar pattern of availability.