Red Hulk UC
Advice on the best options?
I don't have a 4 or 5* modok and I have a duped 4* 4/40 quake
I havn't tried him yet took down the thing with gwenpool yesterday.
will a 4/40 5* magik or maxed sw sig 99 work or a duped dok ok 5*?
or will I be able to out damage him with 5* blade
or am I better waiting till aq finishes and ranking quake as both my voids unduped? or is there a better option?
I don't have a 4 or 5* modok and I have a duped 4* 4/40 quake
I havn't tried him yet took down the thing with gwenpool yesterday.
will a 4/40 5* magik or maxed sw sig 99 work or a duped dok ok 5*?
or will I be able to out damage him with 5* blade
or am I better waiting till aq finishes and ranking quake as both my voids unduped? or is there a better option?
so my 5* will work the same unduped?
Lower version better! Incredible!
Have to time parries right or else he gets his extra fury damage off in your block
Cap IW*