Realm of legend wolverine guilly not working

F_SocietyF_Society Member Posts: 54
I have tried five different times used revives and cannot build any Souls to fight realm of Legends Wolverine. Have they taken this Advantage away from us? I have a rank 3 5 star and cannot do anything against him. Even after a revive i have zero ability to reverse his healing with a Sp2.


  • F_SocietyF_Society Member Posts: 54
    After a revive shouldnt j get souls back because it is not. Wasted 5 revives already.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Fight him when he is at full health. Otherwise it will be more complicated to use her ability.
    Also, you need to have 2x souls in order to apply the spectre debuff on her sp2.
    After applied, hit him directly (to trigger regeneration buffs) and even hit inhis block a couple of times while he is regenerating (to build up souls while he is losing health).
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    You must have 2 souls to use L2. There’s a special caveat with Guilly when fighting regen champs. If you start a fight with the opponent at 50% for example, you will not receive a soul until they hit 44% (I think every 6% of their HP nets you a soul. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.) So if Wolvie starts at 50% and regens, it becomes almost impossible to get him down to 38% for another successful L2 unless you have high MD and get lucky with his regens. That’s why you’re almost better off just letting him regen to full health, die, and then try again.
  • F_SocietyF_Society Member Posts: 54
    Yeah i dunno i let myself die and regened and started fight with no souls 4 times
  • roberto94roberto94 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    Guillotine betrayed me when I attempted Wolverine in RoL, I later figured out Loki was the man with MD 5/5 (before MD nerf) and I keep doing sp3 while keeping the curse duration active all the time by just doing parry - heavy. It was a long work but eventually managed to keep myself alive while continously stealing Wolverine’s regeneration buffs and sp3 and won the fight.
  • Darth_Caedus1Darth_Caedus1 Member Posts: 64
    Do you have a void? Any void will do. Just get petrifys on him and try not to die. If you don’t then put a Morningstar on your team, she has a synergy with guillotine that adds then extra seconds to the soul timer
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    F_Society wrote: »
    Backed out of it ran out of revives and units so oh well for another day i guess. Just another Kabam screw job it seems. Story of my life.

    Don't know that for sure. Any screenshots or videos proving you started the fight with 0 souls?
  • ẞlооdẞlооd Member Posts: 2,005 ★★★★
    Sounds like you went in unprepared. Normally I don't ride Kabam but you can't really blame them here..

    If you have a Doc Oc though, I did it with him. You just need to get a heal block on him, SP3 to extend the heal block, and then only use SP1 to maintain the heal block or you'll have to restart.
  • PaytoPlayPaytoPlay Member Posts: 762 ★★★
    If you have morning star her synergy with gully may buy yourself more time to pull the sp2.
  • KickNatherinaKickNatherina Member Posts: 157
    Search for my post a few weeks back about this same thing. It’s RNG based, being as your crits will cause him to regenerate. If you don’t crit after you drop the special 2 on him, you’re kind of boned. I wasted a ton of units and revives on my first go against him.. I quit, came back a few days later and said I wasn’t spending any units against him. I beat him in 45 seconds. It’s a little RNG based, so don’t lose the faith.. just make sure you build some power passed your L2 and then drop it right before you get enough power for your L3. That way, if you don’t crit much while he is healing you still have another chance. Also, timing is crucial, as others have stated. If you have Morningstar, her synergy with Guilly makes it so your souls last longer.

    Give it another try. You can do it!
  • Vegeta9000Vegeta9000 Member Posts: 204 ★★
    edited January 2019
    If it helps, you can use synergies to make her souls fall off slower, never mind. Read up and saw the suggestion already, that or even a 3* void can walk past wolverine. Hell, bring a civil warrior and just spam heavy for 2 hours 😂
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,321 ★★★★★
    F_Society wrote: »
    Backed out of it ran out of revives and units so oh well for another day i guess. Just another Kabam screw job it seems. Story of my life.

    Don't know that for sure. Any screenshots or videos proving you started the fight with 0 souls?

    It's strange if it's really the case. Guillotine should restart with 4 souls after revive.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,472 ★★★★★
    She dont Star with 0 then it a bug.
  • EakomoEakomo Member Posts: 210
    my guillotine been buggy recently, against 4.2.6 regen magneto she didnt gain any souls while his health was going down,
  • Philly3974Philly3974 Member Posts: 360
    edited January 2019
    Void works well against him, also duped AA just parry and heavy to build up bleed/neurotoxins should negate regen, not sure if a duped CAIW with despair mastery can reverse his healing on parry to get petrify (need a tech& science champ on your team) Yondu spam sp1, duped Gwenpool if you can keep your combo meter above 50 (he wont regen after 50 hits)
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    F_Society wrote: »
    Backed out of it ran out of revives and units so oh well for another day i guess. Just another Kabam screw job it seems. Story of my life.

    Yeah totally a Kabam screw job and not user error.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,472 ★★★★★
    Eakomo wrote: »
    my guillotine been buggy recently, against 4.2.6 regen magneto she didnt gain any souls while his health was going down,
    That becasse she get meganstimse from mangonto.
  • GhostRoosterGhostRooster Member Posts: 5
    @F_Society I gotta say, i think i know exactly what you’re going thru. 2years ago i did my run with a 3* guilly. I was successful in landing her sp2 with 3 souls up, placed the phantasm while he was regenerating, stayed aggressive and watched his health hit about 20%. What i didn’t see was guillotine gain any additional souls. Tried multiple times before it finally worked(had to let him regen to 100% to try again). Contacted support only for them to tell me her souls didn’t recharge that way(they absolutely do) multiple times. The only thing that worked was closing out my game AND hard resetting my phone. Just closing out the game 3 times did nothing. If it happens to you again, trust me, just exit the fight, restart your phone and the game. Don’t mess around. Something about RoL Wolverine and Guillotines soul degen interaction is screwy and they won’t even look into it. been over 2 years...
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    Eakomo wrote: »
    my guillotine been buggy recently, against 4.2.6 regen magneto she didnt gain any souls while his health was going down,

    Magneto Magnetizes metal champs (Guilly has a #metal tag) which reduces her ability accuracy. That’s why, it’s not a bug.
  • Qu1ckshoT32_GamingQu1ckshoT32_Gaming Member Posts: 153 ★★
    Op against Wolverine with Guillotine, if you fail to one shot, you have to force him to full heal and quit out to do it again. Guillotine gains one soul for every 6% of damage you deal, this is counted as the health the opponent starts with when the fight begins. Mystic dispersion can help but perhaps the most useful tool is the Morningstar synergy (2 star or higher), to help you reach an l2 and/or have her souls last longer. Hit him as much as you can, he heals based off of critical hits dealt and received.
  • axelelf_1axelelf_1 Member Posts: 775 ★★★
    roberto94 wrote: »
    Guillotine betrayed me when I attempted Wolverine in RoL, I later figured out Loki was the man with MD 5/5 (before MD nerf) and I keep doing sp3 while keeping the curse duration active all the time by just doing parry - heavy. It was a long work but eventually managed to keep myself alive while continously stealing Wolverine’s regeneration buffs and sp3 and won the fight.

    How does the md “nerf” affect fighting wolverine? I thought it was just dexterity’s interaction with md that was affected and only really hurt defenders with md.
  • DrPepper_75DrPepper_75 Member Posts: 126
    I used sentinel his sp1 heal block armor break.
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