Legion of Havoc is recruiting!

We are looking for 5 strong map 5 ready players that want to be part of a fun laid back alliance that is willing to help each other out. We are loosing some strong members and would like you to join our family if...

You are at least 180k with no less then 2 rank 5 4* champs and 9 rank 4 4* champs

You must be able to handle map 5 aq all 5 days without using too many items we are not looking for boss killers (but it wouldn't hurt)

You must be willing and able to help in events (please no freeloaders)

You must be able to listen and follow directions in aq and wars and meet minimum donations which are gold-135K B.C- 30K and Loyalty- 12.5K

And most of all you must have a good attitude and know how to work as a team member our members are alliance 1st kind of members if you are a selfish player our alliance is not for you

If you have read this and feel you would be a good fit here please look me or my leader up on line
My id- cccar142017
My leader's id- Hvacman81

We look forward to you joining our family [LofH1]


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