The Story so Far!

Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
Hey y’all!

Time for another discussion inspired by an amazing video made by our team. Two weeks ago we dashed right into Thing and Diablo making their entrance into The Contest, and sparked a super cool chat about your favorite FF moments. This week, however, we’re diving fully into the Battlerealm and pulling at the strings we already know for the Lore.

No idea what I’m talking about? Watch the video below!

Personally and honestly speaking, I got chills! I normally do when it comes to story driven pieces like this involving Marvel heroes, but this? It’s insane! How many of you knew the story behind the Collector’s purpose here? It’s sad. I feel bad for the guy, honestly. And I can’t wait for what’s going to happen next!

But enough about my thoughts, I wanna hear all of yours. What do you guys think of the story of The Contest so far? Have a favorite piece? Favorite story addition? What about the Collector? What are your thoughts on his motives? Maestro?

So let’s hear them! We’re itching to know your thoughts on the story so far! :)



  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    edited January 2019
    I'd love to hear more about the earlier iterations of the contest and the early events of the current one (the 7th contest, I believe).

    We know Aegon was the champion of the first contest.

    We also know the Fantastic Four were among the first 12 in the current contest. We also know at some point Sentry was brought in an original 12 and he mopped the floor with everyone so the Collector sent him on a special mission. Was that during the current contest? A previous one? I'd like to know more. Who made up the original 12 that has been referenced? Was Sentry among the first 12 in the current contest? So many questions.
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,630 ★★★★★
    the original 12 are shown in the video at the 2:14 mark: Sentry, Captain Marvel, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Guillotine, King Groot, Vision, Hyperion and four silhouettes we now know are the Fantastic 4.

    I love this kinda stuff. For a game that's basically about beating the snot out of your opponent, I love that there's such a complex, multifaceted story-line. Really, anyone who skips the dialogue in the events or the main story mode is a fool, who's missing out on a rich tale of shifting loyalties, battling factions and desperate individuals.
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  • Yellow8FellowYellow8Fellow Member Posts: 186 ★★
    edited January 2019
    Jestress wrote: »
    Why do I feel like Maestro is about to make an epic comeback?

    A theory I have is that Maestro reappears and reverses time back to the beginning of the Contest of Champions, revealing that in Contest is destined to being stuck in an time loop that'll last FOREVER.

    Until a certain Surfer shows up to save the day....
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,736 ★★★★★

    A theory I have is that Maestro reappears and reverses time back to the beginning of the Contest of Champions, revealing that in Contest is destined to being stuck in an time loop that'll last FOREVER.

    Until a certain Surfer shows up to save the day....

    Rebooting the contest in order to prevent this from happening again isnt a bad idea, erasing all the champs that came but this time bringing in a whole new set that will likely not rebel or start an evolution so maestro can remain in power
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,736 ★★★★★
    What @Yellow8Fellow said sparked an idea for me.

    Setting the stage: FF4 are busy working on fixing the machine when the other champs fight the collector and grandmaster teams of champions in order to buy time for them...Suddenly maestro appears again and the fight stops when all of them remember what maestro has done to the contest, with a temporary cease fire our champions band together to attack maestro once and for all!.

    Everyone is frozen from maestro power, then he proceeds to explain that he wanted the realm all to himself as the iso sphere was powering him and continues to but recent years of unexpected events has started to set cracks in maestro world of power and kept growing with each time. Maestro decided destroying the machine wont solve any of his problems as it will come back to the exact moment in time with each attempt.

    He reboots the contest, erasing collector and grandmaster memories but instead of fighting each other they work together and bring in a new set of champions who wont rebel or start a evolution against maestro. As for our old heroes they end up in beyonder realm where he controls them and rules over them...Then he senses a power like no other he has ever felt so he searches the cosmoes and stumbles upon the known battlerealm.

    Final Scene: maestro is shown holding the battlerealm in his hands and above him a transparent face with piercing white eyes stares down on him and says: That power shall be mine!. To which a title card appears saying:

    OG Contest vs New Contest!

    Setting the stage for epic twists and turns of stories as maestro and beyonder fight each other for the iso sphere!
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,736 ★★★★★
    edited January 2019
    The one thing i wanna know is how did maestro came upon the contest not to mention how the hell he overpowered 2 elders lol.

    Also i am curious bout that celestial ending up dead and how was his death the reason for the creation of the universe...was he observing the dying contest when he was killed???

    Is maestro behind it???

    So many questions that my curiousity needs answering!!!!

    *Rolls up in a corner, mumbling all will be answered soon* lol
  • Yellow8FellowYellow8Fellow Member Posts: 186 ★★

    Rebooting the contest in order to prevent this from happening again isnt a bad idea, erasing all the champs that came but this time bringing in a whole new set that will likely not rebel or start an evolution so maestro can remain in power

    I think Maestro needs to find a way to restore time first, since Cable did say that time doesn't exist in the Battlerealm (yet Bishop was still able to travel back, plothole). To do this, he kidnaps all of the major time manipulators (Kang, Cable, Magik?, Doctor Strange, Dormmamu, etc.), allowingthe Contest to introduce Stryfe.

    Maestro succeeds in bringing back time to the Contest, and is about to travel back in time. But then at the very last minute, someone else swoops in to cofront Maestro, shocking the green goliath. Maestro''s only words are:

    Maestro: No, you can't be here! You were prohibited! Banned!

    ???: And that was your grave mistake. Believing in the false ideology that you had true power. Yet you never realized who was really pulling the strings. That is why you'll never have a taste of true power, unlike I...

    They fight and the mysterious person is victorious. He travels back in time to the beginning of the Contest, reversing everything and becomes the supreme power, ruling over the Contest with his new Elite Champions. Who is this person, you might ask? There is only one word to describe him:
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  • Yellow8FellowYellow8Fellow Member Posts: 186 ★★
    edited January 2019
    Huh, didn't see the Beyonder post earlier. Odd.

    Anyway, it'll be cool to see Beyonder in the Contest, considering he created Battlerealm in the comics. He'll empty so many wallets as well.
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,736 ★★★★★
    Jestress wrote: »

    pass that over here

    To where lol
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,736 ★★★★★
    Huh, didn't see the Beyonder post earlier. Odd.

    Anyway, it'll be cool to see Beyonder in the Contest, considering he created Battlerealm in the comics. He'll empty so many wallets as well.

    I did post but some reason it wasn't up and assumed it was taken down bc i might have spoilered the surprise for us lol
  • Nomercy_4_youNomercy_4_you Member Posts: 44
    When will start act 6.1 @Kabam Miike ?
  • hiddenblizzardhiddenblizzard Member Posts: 506 ★★
    Will maestro will also get a new appearance as it was in thanos infinity war one? @Kabam Miike ?
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    the original 12 are shown in the video at the 2:14 mark: Sentry, Captain Marvel, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Guillotine, King Groot, Vision, Hyperion and four silhouettes we now know are the Fantastic 4.

    I love this kinda stuff. For a game that's basically about beating the snot out of your opponent, I love that there's such a complex, multifaceted story-line. Really, anyone who skips the dialogue in the events or the main story mode is a fool, who's missing out on a rich tale of shifting loyalties, battling factions and desperate individuals.

    Thank you for the awesome feedback!! We're really glad to hear you're enjoying it this much. :):)
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  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    What I love most, and have always loved, is the fact that there is now a planet smashed together with vastly different areas and timelines, emulating the Secret Wars concept.

    I think that's really important because while the game can always add modern-age characters, it also allows Kabam to deviate and loop in alternate universes and timelines.

    For example -- and this isn't a backhanded character request -- I think, because you have CapWW2 and Winter Soldier in the game, it would be really cool to bring a Union Jack or Spitfire or Jim Hammond into the game and have an Invaders storyline. Something like Avengers vs. Invaders for some reason would be cool.

    That matters to me for this reason: It's great to have a mix of characters, concepts and eras. Players come from different backgrounds, and because of the way the storyline has developed, Kabam can pick some of the best and most interesting pieces from Marvel lore and make it relevant today
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    I have said this before, as well: The biggest gut-punch of this game was finding about how Sentry had killed a ton of people and they have all been resurrected repeatedly. Man. For a mobile game, that was definitely a gut punch
  • YouconfusedYouconfused Member Posts: 274
    No X-men in the original 12 champions ?
  • Bomber111Bomber111 Member Posts: 35
    No X-men in the original 12 champions ?

    Marvel has been real limiting on promoting X-men content while it was under the Fox licsense. Now that the rights are coming back to Fox their story will be more involved.
  • DavethegunguyDavethegunguy Member Posts: 6
    Be prepared, Long story, good read, with a very good idea to improve gameplay.

    @Jestress Thanks for sharing, I needed some of that too, good stuff!

    Made me think about time and space being relative to one another, Them you mentioned the the theory of time and space becoming a loop, aka the Morpheus Effect. What if Thanos was somehow guarding his existence with the stones, bending time to restart the contest before he can die. Each time making himself stronger, more prepared for the fights to come.

    After using the stones power to warp reality, his gauntlet begins to crack around the stone, its power becoming too strong for the gaintlet designed to weild it. Fearful that this may be his last attempt to remain an Immortal in the multivers, he attempts to travel to another reality, seeking a replacement housing for the gem.

    Summoning all his might, he focuses on the stone and envisions a timeline where he may find a replacement. His thoughts are shattered as the gauntlet breaks apart with the sound of a thousand sonic booms. Blinding light radiates out from the gem, as it’s power burns as brightly as the sun.

    The light envelopes everything, he feels as if he is nowhere and everywhere. Everything goes silent as quickly as it had blasted apartmhis gaintlet.

    For the first time, Thanos feels vulnerable. As the light begins to fade and his hearing returns, the new reality he was sent too becomes clearer by the second, He has been inserted into reality as WE know it.

    He has somehow been inserted into a complex machine, with codes that define the very actions and abilities of every combatant, It dawns on him that this could be exactly what he was looking for after all. Safely tucked away into a program that would always perform as it was programmed too,

    The best champions the contest has produced line up to face him, He knows they are no match. He overpowers all of his opponents, ironically saved by a timer that allowed him to win after a very short fight,

    The developers knew this wasn’t right, How could there be no winner? These Champions dedicated years to honing their skills, beating everything The Contest threw at them. Something was not right and needed that something was Thanos.

    Looking deep into the source code they found an aliens codex entertained within the code itself, It had weaved into the very fabric of the game. Desperate to stop this from happening time and again, the admins and developers worked around the clock to find a fix to this problem, When all hope was almost lost, they reached out to their fans and community for ideas to help,

    Help came, it just needed to be implemented. The game could have a live, in real time, player vs. Player event Wars could be fought this way, or just arena or events, Something to allow for people to face one another and destroy what’s left of Thanos.

    There are thousands of players who play for many different reasons. Some just enjoy collecting the characters,’or love all things Marvel, Other join for the fight, While most stay for both,

  • CENZOCENZO Member Posts: 1
    cant wait to see what they have in store for us with respect to the fantastic four story arc.... hoping for doctor doom
  • sest22sest22 Member Posts: 933 ★★★
    Quisiera que las historias no fueran tan enredadas. Hay una muy buena intencion en cada supermision pero muchos personajes en el mapa no concuerdan o ayudan a deshilar la historia.. me gustaria ver un desarrollo mas al estilo comic y con una linea mas estable.. los mapas podrian contener cierta cantidad limitada de personajes conectados directamente con esa trama de la supermision e incluso podria darse de que se repitan peleas de sub jefes del capitulo 1 en revanchas en el capitulo 2 y los personajes nuevos queden reservados para el capitulo 3. No tanto personajes que no aporta a la historia como corvus y proxima en una historia de los x men. Se que el caos del multiverso puede desentrañar alguna exclusion algo rara pero a mi gusto seria mejor algo mas concordante.
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