I'm looking for an alliance, so i can make more progress in this game.
Pm me: T Fighter
Please consider joining our sister alliance [Dos34]. My friend fost army runs that alliance and he will welcome you. I run the main alliance [1Dos3]. We've talked before T_Fighter if my memory is correct. My IGN is gladiator2014. Unfortunately, your current roster won't fit with our main alliance yet as you need to develop your roster more. The AQ maps that we run in the main alliance may pose a challenge for you. You can grow and develop comfortably with us in the sister alliance and can join us when you are stronger, provided that we have an open spot to accommodate you.
You have a 4 star stark spidey he’s one of the best champs in the game BUT since you have an unduped Star Lord id take him to rank 3 incase you either; get a 4 star awakening gem (Tech or Generic) and awaken Star Lord that way OR duplicate Star Lord from another 4 star crystal later on
Please consider joining our sister alliance [Dos34]. My friend fost army runs that alliance and he will welcome you. I run the main alliance [1Dos3]. We've talked before T_Fighter if my memory is correct. My IGN is gladiator2014. Unfortunately, your current roster won't fit with our main alliance yet as you need to develop your roster more. The AQ maps that we run in the main alliance may pose a challenge for you. You can grow and develop comfortably with us in the sister alliance and can join us when you are stronger, provided that we have an open spot to accommodate you.