Why is there a limit of 100 sig stones I can hold before the rest go into my overflow? I bought this stupid sig stone deal just to have 80 cosmic sig stones go straight into my inventory and I now have 2 weeks to use it. I have NO one worth putting them into. A 5* max level is sig 200, so why can’t we hold 200 sig stones in our inventory? Oh wait it is my fault I opened the crystal right? I would’ve taken 80 of any other class, but of course I get the one class I have 100 sig stones in. This isn’t random, the game knows exactly what you don’t want.


  • Sixshot1Sixshot1 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    Exactly the reason I didn't buy the deal. I knew if I opened that enhancement crystal, I would almost certainly get sig stones that would go into the overflow.
  • Captain_HeroCaptain_Hero Member Posts: 93
    It’s sad because I would’ve taken any awakening gem or any sig stone but cosmic and that’s exactly what I got.
  • Captain_HeroCaptain_Hero Member Posts: 93
    Yes it’s my fault for opening the crystal, but the point is that the cap should be increased. The cap was put in place to limit us on potions we could store, there is really no business case as to why there is a 100 limit on 5* sig stones.
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    I agree with the cap increase. Should be 200, suck your RNG got you what you don’t need. Sorry to hear that bud
  • Captain_HeroCaptain_Hero Member Posts: 93
    Exactly, we see so many sig stone deals and a lot of players aren’t buying the deals because of the cap issue. I myself have over 300 sig stone crystals I CANT open because I’m maxed out in Cosmic.... they could be making more money if the players had a 200 cap
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,463 ★★★★★
    edited February 2019
    Let me pick my class. Then I may think about these kinds of deals. Even the 5* AG...I have 4 different classes, so if I hit it right, there’s still a 2/3 shot at duplicating a resource I already have.

    And I’ve “hit the jackpot” on legendary 20% chance crystals over the past couple months—if you think the likes of 5* Groot is any kind of jackpot.

    Dr. Zola
  • RogerRabsRogerRabs Member Posts: 548 ★★★★
    Items purchased with real money should never expire. That’s pretty bogus @Kabam Miike

    I’m not 100% sure but I think it’s against Apples TOS too. (If it’s not it should be)
  • NiteAndDaeNiteAndDae Member Posts: 670 ★★★
    Cap should be 200 for 5* sig stones, it just makes sense.
  • Cranmer00Cranmer00 Member Posts: 527 ★★
    I couldn’t purchase the deal for the reason

    I had to put sig stones on Howard the duck and I’m not doing that bs again,

    Their expiration’s are trash
  • FR33_HUG5FR33_HUG5 Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    I got an awakening gem from that stone. So I’m happy.
  • ChuckiesolChuckiesol Member Posts: 65
    RogerRabs wrote: »
    Items purchased with real money should never expire. That’s pretty bogus @Kabam Miike

    I’m not 100% sure but I think it’s against Apples TOS too. (If it’s not it should be)

    Loopholes... the crystal does not expire. Jokes on us paying customers hah...

    Hopefully there was limited sales from this offer and Kabam does a very nice thing of increasing the 5* sig stone inventory.
  • RichS816RichS816 Member Posts: 44
    I’m literally in the exact same boat with the exact same class. I didn’t think the 80 would be the same class so I assumed I’d get some I could use. If it had said they would be the same class I’d have skipped it since I’m almost maxed on tech and mutant too. I have no unlocked cosmic so I can literally do nothing about this. I can’t even sell them for gold. That’s the most frustrating part of it. I can’t do anything but sit and watch the countdown. Why would such an expensive item have such a short expiration?
  • YouconfusedYouconfused Member Posts: 274
    Thank you!! Same boat
  • YouconfusedYouconfused Member Posts: 274
    Kabam please help us out!
  • Alpha07Alpha07 Member Posts: 649 ★★
    NiteAndDae wrote: »
    Cap should be 200 for 5* sig stones, it just makes sense.

    Caps shouldn't ever exist. change my mind.

    On a serious note I agree with this.
  • RichS816RichS816 Member Posts: 44
    To put my work hat on, I’m betting that the game polls the server for updates when you access those screens. If it didn’t, they could have issues with people going offline and using resources. Caps probably help the server load and makes sure it doesn’t take the user forever to get to that screen. After all, mobile bandwidth isn’t as consistent as a hardline.

    Expiration probably also helps clean up any database that stores those info. If it didn’t, then they have to keep records of players who leave forever. Those kind of permanent storages costs add up. Just my guess.
  • Bri69walBri69wal Member Posts: 12
    I got cosmic also and 74 of the 80 sig stones I got are now in my stash with 14 day countdown for expiration. On top of that I’m getting the daily sig stones (30) total that I won’t be able to open because If they are cosmic they will expire too.
  • SuelSuel Member Posts: 279
    edited February 2019
    I miss the old days when we didnt have limit for any of the items. On my first ROL run i had over 500 potions and over 100 revives, there was no need to hoard crystals in order not to let ur stuff expire

    But ofc kabam limited our items to a very small amount in order to make us spend more, cause whats best for the players is not the best for them
  • CateatswhalesCateatswhales Member Posts: 112
    Just send an ingame request to players like seatin or lagacy or better yet to anyone in The top 10 alliances. Kabam doesnt seem to know themselves how to make this game better. So they just do what these guys request in its most basic form.
  • KattohSKattohS Member Posts: 728 ★★
    Only reason I can think of them not increasing it is that Kabam doesn’t want you automatically taking “God” champs signature ability up 200 points all at once.
  • Jkw634Jkw634 Member Posts: 297 ★★
    Kabam could have gone about this smarter to avoid this. They could have made it class sig but it goes up 2 sig points per stone and you get 40 of them. Different type of stone different inventory slot.
  • ThebgjThebgj Member Posts: 635 ★★
    It does suck to have that many in over flow, but this is exactly why I’ve never bought any sig stone deals. I have 100 basic (anytime I have generic overflow, I hand them out randomly). I have 58 of a class and the other classes are below that. I do have 150 5* class sig stone crystals....that I won’t open because of the overflow situation. I don’t want to run into that problem
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,463 ★★★★★
    KattohS wrote: »
    Only reason I can think of them not increasing it is that Kabam doesn’t want you automatically taking “God” champs signature ability up 200 points all at once.

    People can do that already.

    Dr. Zola
  • Captain_HeroCaptain_Hero Member Posts: 93
    edited February 2019
    Would definitely appreciate a mod commenting on this since they all play this game apparently.
    The sig stone cap could be justified when sig stones were rare... now that we get them so often how do you justify a cap of 100.. they recognized t4c cap was an issue and increased that but no love for other valuable in game items?
  • 1_ShuNeu_11_ShuNeu_1 Member Posts: 375 ★★★
    I mean... It quite literally is your own fault. Whether the current cap is a good thing or not is out of question here actually. The current cap is the current state we're forced to work with, and seemingly you didn't bother to plan ahead for your 50$ purchase.

    Always someone like you, i got the offer to and managed to get a class i already had a lot of sig stones for and the rest went into overflow and then into a champ thats already high sig -- and there for a total waste.
    You know what the man is saying, youre just being difficult.
  • 1_ShuNeu_11_ShuNeu_1 Member Posts: 375 ★★★
    I also got the deal and went overflow
    I regret buying it now and will pass on any future deals like it.
    I luckily had r4 voodoo to put the overflow into -- but still i would of taken mutant, tech or science and dumped them all into a specific champs. (Which is why i bought the offer)
  • Bri69walBri69wal Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2019
    I reported this issue to Kabam when it happened and got an email update today. They swapped the 80 sig stones to 16 +5 signature stones.
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