
I think that we should be able to trade items even players amongst our alliance. For example say a member needs a team revive or a regular revive but they don't have any I think we should be able to trade a health or a boost or even gold for it. Say there is a character that a member really likes but doesn't have and they have one the player might want I think we should be able to trade each other. I also know there is an alliance treasury but that can only be used to play alliance quest maps I think people should be able to withdraw gold from it to an extent I think it'll help people with leveling up therefore helping with summoner advancement. I feel like these are some things that should be considered what are everyone else's thoughts ??


  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    It sounds okay on paper but it would be terrible and completely unbalance the game, with a trading system people could create a second account and just give 5 stars to their main account it would make rewards available in game much less valuable so progression won't be as significant since you could just trade champions back and forth with alliance members like a 5 star starlord to complete all the content in game without doing any of the work or saving yourself.
  • MrW3Ak___MrW3Ak___ Member Posts: 43
    Trading will never happen. Stop asking for it
  • Jcross1288Jcross1288 Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2017
    First off mrweak it's the first time I've asked for it [removed by moderation] secondly I agree with you Sungj to an extent i have a hard enough time playing on one account to get a five star and I play a lot I wouldn't play on another account too just to trade five stars and I understand your point about people just getting a five star starlord but who's really going to want to give away their best player even so that being said make it so in order to trade the really good people the other person would have to sacrifice two or three players in return. But I do getting kabaam needs to make money and trading would hurt that for instance I'm on act five but have no health potions and refuse to buy any I've got 1,300 units and over 3 million gold someone in my alliance has no gold but a ton of healths I ungerdyand he can gift them but I wish I could trade him gold for them
    Post edited by TenebrousTenebrific on
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    edited July 2017
    People who keep asking for this are either not that bright or can see the myriad opportunities this would bring to cheat and want it for that reason

    There really is no middle ground

    Bring this in, see 1000s of new cheats from the start and ongoing

    And the even more crazy idea of Allys resources being used by individuals to help them upgrade their characters!! Words fail me. How exactly would that work? You obviously mean you want to use the gold for your upgrading, so what do the others gain? And if everyone did that there would be none left for AQ? Or would you be OK donating YOUR gold for others to use and you get nothing back? Didn't think so

    Must be the worst thought out plan on these forums just for that one little idea alone!! Well done
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    edited July 2017
    Jcross1288 wrote: »
    First off mrweak it's the first time I've asked for it [removed by moderation] secondly I agree with you Sungj to an extent i have a hard enough time playing on one account to get a five star and I play a lot I wouldn't play on another account too just to trade five stars and I understand your point about people just getting a five star starlord but who's really going to want to give away their best player even so that being said make it so in order to trade the really good people the other person would have to sacrifice two or three players in return. But I do getting kabaam needs to make money and trading would hurt that for instance I'm on act five but have no health potions and refuse to buy any I've got 1,300 units and over 3 million gold someone in my alliance has no gold but a ton of healths I ungerdyand he can gift them but I wish I could trade him gold for them

    Love this!! Heard of creating a new account (in a different name) to go into the beginner bracket, get every single 4* on the arenas and then GIFT them to your older account, then close the new account and create another new one etc etc

    Another point, if you choose not to use units for potions, thats your choice isnt it? You choice means you decided that saving units for something you do want is more important to you than potions, so you cant have it both ways

    Like I said, one of the stupidest ideas on the whole forums

    Post edited by TenebrousTenebrific on
  • Jcross1288Jcross1288 Member Posts: 4
    Dude if you create a new account and play the four star arena you need several characters to play that you can't have just ten guys and plan on reaching the max to get the four star you are the one that sounds stupid you need at least three million plus points in 4 star arena to get the four star reward all that time wasted while your other account just sits there no thanks I've got 40 four stars just from getting shards and beating quests and as far as the gold goes make it so there's a limit I've got mad gold idc if I donated it all you claim I'd get nothing in return but yet if my team shared my gold gold to reach summoner advancement then I am gaining something in the long run
  • AppleisgodAppleisgod Member Posts: 1,420 ★★★★
    Jcross1288 wrote: »
    Dude if you create a new account and play the four star arena you need several characters to play that you can't have just ten guys and plan on reaching the max to get the four star you are the one that sounds stupid you need at least three million plus points in 4 star arena to get the four star reward all that time wasted while your other account just sits there no thanks I've got 40 four stars just from getting shards and beating quests and as far as the gold goes make it so there's a limit I've got mad gold idc if I donated it all you claim I'd get nothing in return but yet if my team shared my gold gold to reach summoner advancement then I am gaining something in the long run

    Have you heard of arena brackets?
  • adqqedfyvradqqedfyvr Member Posts: 463
    Trading units would be great
  • Jcross1288Jcross1288 Member Posts: 4
    Obviously I've never heard of arena brackets if you know something idk then again I don't cheat so I just think trading would be cool to an extent
  • TenebrousTenebrificTenebrousTenebrific Administrator, Moderator Posts: 461
    This suggestion comes up a lot in the forums! There's certainly pros and cons to the idea, and it doesn't sound like it's something that the player-base, overall, thinks is a good idea. That said, we still want to hear feedback and suggestions, because perhaps there is a way to make it work sometime down the road. Or, maybe there's a way to make something similar work. Please remember though, debates and disagreements in a constructive manner are great; personal attacks are not!

    Since there are already multiple threads open on this topic though, I'm going to close this one down. Please use the search feature to determine if there's already a thread open before creating new ones, as multiple threads on the same topic just clutter the forums and make it more difficult to review all the feedback on a single topic.

    A thread opened not too long ago can be found here, as an example:
This discussion has been closed.