Uncollected - Act 5 Chapter 2

Disgruntled_User_123Disgruntled_User_123 Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
I have moderate skill (I can beat Master Event Quest but it takes a few revives in the final chapter typically).

I have 5 4 Star Champions at Rank 5:

Dr. Voodoo
Scarlet Witch

I have over 5000 units saved but I was really waiting to spend them on an offer.

@Seatin has been great for developing my understanding and skill of the game but he’s way beyond my skill level. I first time finished Act 5 Chapter 1 using at least one revive on the the last three sections.

At this point, what is your advice on the following:

1. Should I try to complete Act 5 Chapter 1 completely first before I try Chapter 2?
2. Is becoming Uncollected that great - specifically, is it worth using all my units on it?
3. Are my champions adequate for the special nodes I’ll be facing? If not, who should I target to rank up?

Any other advice is appreciated. This forum is very helpful.


  • The_Boss9The_Boss9 Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★
    Honestly, the collector is super overrated. He’s not a 5k unit fight, maybe a 1k unit fight at worst. It’s defiantly worth it, people can do uncollected with r4 4*s, and most unit deals from kabam are garbage. Rewards, especially uncollected monthly, are amazing and worth it
  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    You should try and do master without needing revives first, 5.2 is way harder compared to master mode
  • Darth_Caedus1Darth_Caedus1 Member Posts: 64
    I used to open a 4* Crystal every week or so, with uncollected I’ve opened four or five since Thursday, the rewards are definitely worth it. As for the units, It only took me 400 units and a couple of boosts. I believe you can’t even spend that much in 5.2.6, you’d have to do it with 2*. Go for it
  • Samspade23Samspade23 Member Posts: 549 ★★
    I'm working on 5.2 now. I'm probably around the same skill level. I'm finding that sparky, scarlet witch, and vision have been super helpful allowing me to counter machosim. Learning to intercept and change the way you parry is the hardest part. It also helps having vision around to power drain and counter caltrops.
  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    I used a 5/50 Corvus, check my Uncollected post
  • Disgruntled_User_123Disgruntled_User_123 Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
    Samspade23 wrote: »
    I'm working on 5.2 now. I'm probably around the same skill level. I'm finding that sparky, scarlet witch, and vision have been super helpful allowing me to counter machosim. Learning to intercept and change the way you parry is the hardest part. It also helps having vision around to power drain and counter caltrops.

    Thanks man. I’m probably gonna wait a little bit until I can complete Chapter 1 of Act 5 without refills.
  • OrangieOrangie Member Posts: 76
    Don’t be scared, at least try and see how goes
  • ShaheerFIazShaheerFIaz Member Posts: 72
    i do it with rank 4 4 stars dupe ice man medusa hood luke cage and 5 star rank 3 nebula. It took me 4 team revive and no other item on my second account.
  • SceptilemaniacSceptilemaniac Member Posts: 1,247 ★★★★
    Imo, you need some practice. I just became uncollected but with sparky.
    I think Corvus is your best shot.
    Better if duped. And DO NOT spend much on this. I did this without using any revives, but again, I had sparky.
    Wait until you can do master without any revives..
  • TinoMiaTinoMia Member Posts: 56
    Corvus at 5/50/20 was my MVP for the collector. Used a 5/50/99 SW, 5/50/99 CAIW, 5/50/20 AA and 5/50/60 SS for the path. Corvus was great at short bursts of damage with 3 charges and his immunity saved me a couple of times from dying right away from a SP1
  • Supremeguy95Supremeguy95 Member Posts: 447 ★★
    I remember saving only 400 units for my uncollected run. Ended up using none. Just used a bunch of 20% revives on my 4/40 Hulk. The Collector can be a pain, but he definitely isn't a 5k unit pain.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,140 ★★★★★
    When I went into the collector fight I had a full stash of revives and 1500 units saved. I took hulk at 5 50. Used my stash of revives but no units at all. Hulk smash :)
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