Mr.Fantastic idea

What if he had a thing called elasticity. It’s like a purify, kinda like a timer like mordo’s gain every once in a while and when it refreshes he can like absorb a debuff. Like if hypes sp1 causes 3 incinerate charges he can absorb like 1 or 2 of them.
What are you smoking? Hes an original character from the early 60s...
Don't bunk your physics classes.
I think he just meant debuffs in general. He was using that as an example
oh boy
he is the rip-off version of elongated man who was created a year before mr.fantastic
Elongated man is dc anyways and this is about marvel. Do you say the same about captain marvel and shazam?
Fantastic Man
Elongated Man?
More people would say Mr. F
Also, people know Plastic Man more than Elogated man.
Also also, They didn't rip off of anyone. It was a 1 year difference.
thats how you rip-off characters:) you create the exact same hero after your rival does
do you even read what you type?
DC or Marvel I dont get care who steals from whom...I just dont like rip-off heroes,thats what I pointed in my first message,why the fuss?
Either way why does it matter if he is a “ripoff” how does this affect anything
•The U.S.A. copied Britain's success of the Industrial Revolution.
•All of Disney's movies are just copies of old fairy tales, but adapted for kid standards. Disney is also copying itself for a cheap way to make some money.
•Mortal Kombat is a ripoff of Street Fighter.
•Marvel and DC copy each other all the time
But just because somebody or something is a ripoff, it doesn't mean it's bad. To me, it all comes down as to who does it better or which one is more interesting. I for one, think Mr. Fantastic is superior to Plastic man and Elongated man, due to the fact that Reed is more of a dimensional traveler but he also has to deal with the guilt in case anything goes wrong (like how he's always guilty about the Thing). Doesn't mean I don't like Plastic man or Elongated man. Plastic man could be pretty funny at times and while I never read too much on Elongated man, I found him to be pretty compelling during DC's Identity Crisis (ugh). But they still aren't as good as Mr. Fantastic. So even though Marvel did copy DC on the whole stetchy character thing, Marvel managed to make a more interesting character, which is what matters to me. It's the same way with Namor and Aquaman; Aquaman copied Namor, but Aquaman is more interesting.
It doesn't matter if the character is a ripoff, what matters is if the character is interesting.
You realize they don't have the same powers >:(