So... Vampire GR (Robbie) next to Blade maybe?

Seen here:
This is a strong possibility since Robbie's GR is fundamentatlity different than Johnny and Danny's; this, not being connected to GR.
I predicted the slot next to Blade to be either Hellstrom, Jennifer Kale, Werewolf By Night, Man-Thing or Hannibal King, but this makes too much sense. Robbie isn't connected to Johnny or Danny, is part of the MCU and being a vampire, connects him to Blade.
If this does happen, I for one will be pissed. There is no way in hell (pun intended) Robbie should join before Danny. Danny made Ghost Rider what it is, and every GR incarnation that followed him has borrowed heavily from his look and persona.
This is a strong possibility since Robbie's GR is fundamentatlity different than Johnny and Danny's; this, not being connected to GR.
I predicted the slot next to Blade to be either Hellstrom, Jennifer Kale, Werewolf By Night, Man-Thing or Hannibal King, but this makes too much sense. Robbie isn't connected to Johnny or Danny, is part of the MCU and being a vampire, connects him to Blade.
If this does happen, I for one will be pissed. There is no way in hell (pun intended) Robbie should join before Danny. Danny made Ghost Rider what it is, and every GR incarnation that followed him has borrowed heavily from his look and persona.
I always expected the character next to Blade to be Dracula or maybe Morbius, considering how close it is to the Spider-verse characters.
I don't think it's Morbius as he would be connected to the Spider-verse characters and Sinister Six. @RandomizerRuns_4
He's becoming a vampire, but he'll probably be back to normal after 10 issues. Also when people think of Robbie Reyes, they probably won't think of monster vampire Robbie. It's like how Spider-man had six arms for a couple of issues and then they disappeared. Now, whenever anyone thinks of Spider-man they don't think of six arm spidey, right? So you don't need to worry about that being Robbie.
I see your point, but Morbius was never part of the Sinister Six.
Good points.
And, I just mentioned the S6 because he commonly worked along them and other Spider-Man villains until he became an anti-hero.
He was part of the Midnight Sons, so there is that relationship with Blade; however, I can't see him not being connected to GR or Spider-Man.
I completely forgot about the Midnight Sons actually. It'll be cool if they were used in more media.
As you said it'll be odd to not see Morbius connected to Spider-man, so it's safe to discard Morbius as a canidate. I just thought that since his movie was announced he had to be there somewhere. Oh, well. Best canidate there has to be Dracula then, especially considering how Marvel has been using him in their TV media such as Avengers Assemble.
Dr. Venom Blade the Duckpool Patriot?
You heard it here first, folks.
Hellcow confirmation.
Marvels dark side always had something unique to it. It's why I appreciate it. Marvel''s light side is great, but the dark side of Marvel creates some kind of twist, such as the concept of Moonknight. The whole question about him is if he's just hallucinating everything or if there actually is a Moon God. It comes to create a really unique character, one that I wish was in the MCU already. Also, the most interesting Marvel stories today are the bizarrely dark ones such as Venom and Immortal Hulk, imo.
I also like stories that are a mix of Light and Dark, such as Kraven's Last Hunt.
Actually, I said it first, so you're second.
I've heard the call of my people....
The spot next to Blade will be....
Love it