Light attacks randomly stop working

So after the latest update I have a bug where my champs just straight up stop using light attacks and just stand there, randomly, and get pummeled, it has already cost me many points in arena, my whole flippin streak, and a revive, it's horrible


  • HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Member Posts: 550 ★★
    Just another of many bugs. With how much they like bugs I am surprised there is only Yellow Jacket and Ant-man. Where is Wasp, Brood, Richard Deacon, Hyve, etc...? Maybe they can get special dispensation for Blue Beetle.

    Good thing it's just a game. I suggested not getting too upset over it.
  • GeneralDuckGeneralDuck Member Posts: 6
    Just another of many bugs. With how much they like bugs I am surprised there is only Yellow Jacket and Ant-man. Where is Wasp, Brood, Richard Deacon, Hyve, etc...? Maybe they can get special dispensation for Blue Beetle.

    Good thing it's just a game. I suggested not getting too upset over it.

    I know, but it's a pain loosing your streak, and having to use revives for nothing when your trying to save them for the web-slinger challenge.
  • HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Member Posts: 550 ★★
    Just another of many bugs. With how much they like bugs I am surprised there is only Yellow Jacket and Ant-man. Where is Wasp, Brood, Richard Deacon, Hyve, etc...? Maybe they can get special dispensation for Blue Beetle.

    Good thing it's just a game. I suggested not getting too upset over it.

    I know, but it's a pain loosing your streak, and having to use revives for nothing when your trying to save them for the web-slinger challenge.

    It is a pain, and really annoying, can often reach frustrating. Just remember its a game and it isn't even real stuff you are wasting. At least those thoughts help keep me from chucking my phone accross the room when it happens.
  • GeneralDuckGeneralDuck Member Posts: 6
    Just another of many bugs. With how much they like bugs I am surprised there is only Yellow Jacket and Ant-man. Where is Wasp, Brood, Richard Deacon, Hyve, etc...? Maybe they can get special dispensation for Blue Beetle.

    Good thing it's just a game. I suggested not getting too upset over it.

    I know, but it's a pain loosing your streak, and having to use revives for nothing when your trying to save them for the web-slinger challenge.

    It is a pain, and really annoying, can often reach frustrating. Just remember its a game and it isn't even real stuff you are wasting. At least those thoughts help keep me from chucking my phone accross the room when it happens.

    I'm not the kind of person who gets mad, just something I want to mention to make the issue more known, it's game braking ,fixing it should be very important!
  • VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★
    It isn't just light attacks (taps). It is the controls in general.

    Swiping forward doesn't get registered properly; it gets treated like a light attack. I used to call this doing your kung fu moves from long distance. This issue has been around since Dec 2014 when it was really bad. Horrible, far worse back then. Far worse. Far far far worse.

    What is new to the mix is that light attack itself doesn't get registered. So I try to do a 5-hit combo. I swipe forward (medium attack, successful) then tap (for a light attack). Nothing. No light attack. Tap again. Nothing. Sometimes I get lucky and my third tap finally continues the combo. Other times, I get smacked back.

    The only remedy for the "pause" in the attack is to treat every opponent as if he was spiderman. Keep your trigger finger ready to block or get ready to swipe back if the second hit of the combo doesn't show up.

    The blocks also don't register (which obviously negatively affects your ability to parry) but this is far harder to tell than attacks. So I won't be surprised if this issue has been around longer than people realize.

  • mmmfriedchickenmmmfriedchicken Member Posts: 29
    Interesting... only times I've noticed an attack not registering is during background updates or phone otherwise acting up.

    However I am noticing increased combos missing for no apparent reason. Wolverine sometimes missing a dash attack after dodging a heavy or SP and often missing during combos. Magneto can barely chain a combo, given up trying to land a 5 hit combo other than low level fights where he can survive receiving full combos.
  • AndyBaron7AndyBaron7 Member Posts: 359
    I feel that pain I had this just the other day champ standing still mid combo and taking slaps. I seem to have many issues lately block also fails intercept fails ai launches specials while you are nid combo on them I also have an auto evade bug champs when you try and intercept them hit you instead I'm also an apple user lol
  • Blade34Blade34 Member Posts: 26
    I am having the same issue reported on the swipe moves and heavy hits. My character will stand and do nothing. I gave up going for Vulure couldn't get high than a 10 strink.
  • GeneralDuckGeneralDuck Member Posts: 6
    It isn't just light attacks (taps). It is the controls in general.

    Swiping forward doesn't get registered properly; it gets treated like a light attack. I used to call this doing your kung fu moves from long distance. This issue has been around since Dec 2014 when it was really bad. Horrible, far worse back then. Far worse. Far far far worse.

    What is new to the mix is that light attack itself doesn't get registered. So I try to do a 5-hit combo. I swipe forward (medium attack, successful) then tap (for a light attack). Nothing. No light attack. Tap again. Nothing. Sometimes I get lucky and my third tap finally continues the combo. Other times, I get smacked back.

    The only remedy for the "pause" in the attack is to treat every opponent as if he was spiderman. Keep your trigger finger ready to block or get ready to swipe back if the second hit of the combo doesn't show up.

    The blocks also don't register (which obviously negatively affects your ability to parry) but this is far harder to tell than attacks. So I won't be surprised if this issue has been around longer than people realize.

    Well to me it's only light attacks, specials always seem to work, parry timing is ok, block always works too, so do mediums, and heavies, only light attacks don't work
  • Kronos987654321Kronos987654321 Member Posts: 584 ★★★
    This happens to me as well.
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    There are numerous bugs dealing with registering player moves. Some may have existed for a while, but it has been very bad since 12.0. Kabam says they are working on them, but we still have had no relief. I am trying to finish the latest events. They are difficult enough, but when I encounter these bugs, I'm finished. My champs aren't high enough level to take many hits. It is very discouraging.

    I understand Kabam is in the business of making money, but if they don't spend more of their resources fixing these bugs, they won't have enough of a player community to support them.
  • TartarsaucedTartarsauced Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2017
    Been happening with me, as well. Iphone 6 with latest OS and game version. I remember this was a serious issue before, then Kabaam seemingly fixed the problem, but now since they recently had maintencance, not sure the exact timing, but past 3 or 4 days I will lose all control of my champs mid-fight. What fixes it is hitting the lock button and going back in, which shows the game paused. I'll unpause it and be able to control my champ, but even then sometimes the bug comes back randomly at some point in the fight.

    I would appreciate some alliance revives and potions for this. Not end of the world when it's during a quest, but its the worst during war.
  • mmmfriedchickenmmmfriedchicken Member Posts: 29
    However I am noticing increased combos missing for no apparent reason. Wolverine sometimes missing a dash attack after dodging a heavy or SP and often missing during combos. Magneto can barely chain a combo, given up trying to land a 5 hit combo other than low level fights where he can survive receiving full combos.

    This does not seem to be a Kabam issue. For whatever reason my phone decided to reduce refresh point, this was sending dropped signal between my thumbs, phone controls, animations, and game making contact. Champs making contact and phone battery taking hit as well. 62 hit combo with Magneto, experienced missing combos issue with him more than others so I would say its a non-issue at the moment.
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