Community Discussion: Pitch or Propose New Profile Pictures

Hey there Summoners,
We’ve gone through a few rotations of new profile pictures in the game, allowing Summoners to customize their profiles with subjects ranging from Gambit’s Cards, alternate looks for Spider-Man, the Collector, and even the ISO-Sphere itself.
Now we’d like you to let us know what new profile pictures you’d like to see! Is there a Champion that you’d like to see get an alternate picture? Maybe there’s an iconic piece of gear that you’d like to sport on your profile. Or is there a particular team you’d like to rep while you conquer the Battlerealm? If so, let us know down below!
I’ve always been a fan of the Spider-Verse heroes, so I know I’d be excited if any more of them got alternate pictures, or if there was some gear from their villains, like Green Goblin’s Pumpkin Bombs or Glider.
We can’t promise that we will be able to add any of the Suggestions, but we'll be sure to pass along your suggestions to the team.
We’ve gone through a few rotations of new profile pictures in the game, allowing Summoners to customize their profiles with subjects ranging from Gambit’s Cards, alternate looks for Spider-Man, the Collector, and even the ISO-Sphere itself.
Now we’d like you to let us know what new profile pictures you’d like to see! Is there a Champion that you’d like to see get an alternate picture? Maybe there’s an iconic piece of gear that you’d like to sport on your profile. Or is there a particular team you’d like to rep while you conquer the Battlerealm? If so, let us know down below!
I’ve always been a fan of the Spider-Verse heroes, so I know I’d be excited if any more of them got alternate pictures, or if there was some gear from their villains, like Green Goblin’s Pumpkin Bombs or Glider.
We can’t promise that we will be able to add any of the Suggestions, but we'll be sure to pass along your suggestions to the team.
Also could do a Lockjaw’s tail one that would be neat.
NO NO NO... I don't want Sentry anywhere near my profile pic...
Just Void please. lol
Or even characters drawn in comic book style?
My Little Symbiote
Carina (and/or the ancient Elder's symbol for C, just like in the recent poster)
Stan Lee
The Gauntlet (with all Infinity Stones)
Each separate Infinity Stones
Titan (the planet)
Goose (Captain Marvel's cat similar to the movie promotion poster)
Can't forget Lockjaw
I think it would be cool to run 6 events where you get an Infinity Stone profile pic for each completion...once you get all six, it unlocks the full Infinity Gauntlet profile pic.
If you sold him you got your reward. No one who sold him should have him as their profile pic
Many of them won't even require a new rendering... just slap a border around them and watch people eat that #### up.
Classic rivals head to head ( spidey facing venom or hulk facing red hulk) like the ufc cards that show the fighers facing off.
Oh the combo sounds interesting!
Glad to see Goose is getting some love!
Black Panther/Killmonger split faces
Roaring Hulk
Smiling Thor Ragnarok
Vision/SW romance pic
Netflix Punisher
Dr. Strange spell shield
CA vs IM Civil War style
Agent Coulson
A face composed of the four Defenders
Not true. I sold him on my mini account but had the profile pic set first. My mini still has the picture. As long as I don’t change it, it will always have him as my picture.
Ghost rider needs a pfp too