Awaken magik

The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
Should I awaken the 5* magik I just pulled with a mystic gem?
I have 4/55 unawakened GR and a handful of trash mystics that aren't worth it.

Or should I save it for Sym Supreme or Voodoo or someone else?


  • ThatGrootGrootThatGrootGroot Member Posts: 427 ★★
    Save. Her awakened ability is mostly good for defense, but it can be shut down with Blade or AA (and maybe others). Magik is worth R4 or maybe R5 even unawakened.
  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 867 ★★★
    Save. Her awakened ability is mostly good for defense, but it can be shut down with Blade or AA (and maybe others). Magik is worth R4 or maybe R5 even unawakened.

    Yup I rolled with r4 unawakened Magik for over a year and didn't really miss it. Finally awakened her recently but I don't feel it matters that much.

  • YouconfusedYouconfused Member Posts: 274
    Save for voodoo!
  • Anurag1606Anurag1606 Member Posts: 1,189 ★★★
    I am exactly in the same boat. I have awakened Voodoo at r3 the. Recently pulled magik and she's r3 unawakened. Got GR at R4 unawakened. GR is my 1st R4 and has been for about 14 months now. I run R4 Blade and R5 spark too. Now have to decide about the mystic gem I got. I can R4 magik if use the gem on her.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    edited February 2019
    Assuming you intend to use magik on offense, her dupe wont add anything extra offensively, just abit of extra damage from limbo as well as recovering damage you take which should be pretty limited. you should save the awakening gem for someone else.
  • ThatGrootGrootThatGrootGroot Member Posts: 427 ★★
    ŁŤÇ wrote: »
    Have any of y'all ever used an awakened Magik on offense? Good Lord!

    Yes she's worth it! Her limbo can both kill an opponent AND save your ass if struck!

    My 5-65 Sig 200 Magik is an absolute animal on offense because of all of this. Not all opponents can be pinned into the corner with an sp2, rinse amd repeat... She is definitely worth a mystic awakening. Maybe not a generic, but she's definitely top 5 offensive AW people.

    Because of Blade, she's not much for defense anymore. Everyone has him now at rank 4 and up, so no to D now.

    Based on that viewpoint, is she worth a 5* generic gem?
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