Suicides mastery setup with Magik

KrzysaltKrzysalt Member Posts: 577
I'll be taking path 5 in alliance war this coming season & I know that KillMonger will be on that node 29 for pretty much every war. I've been watching videos online where summoners have taken path 5 KillMonger with Magik & I have noticed that they usually used half suicides due to her damage output being a bit low. Half suicides meaning that they only put points into double edge & not liquid courage. I understand that Magik won't take recoil damage with suicides on, but I'm still hesitant about turning them on because of defense. I personally don't want to go back & forth with my masteries every defense/attack because I feel like that is a waste of units.

What would be your suggestion on what I should with my masteries? Should I keep them on through all of alliance war season or should I not turn them on at all? If I do turn them on, what setup would you suggest? Switching suicides on & off every defense/attack is not an option for me. My Magik is R5 5* lvl 200. Our alliance is Tier 3/4 & Gold 1/Platinum 3. I will also bring in Morningstar for her syngery with Magik to ramp up her damage a bit.

Thanks for your help!


  • borntohulaborntohula Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    edited February 2019
    I’d either go with full suicides or none. Resonate is what makes them less appealing, but a 60% attack boost makes up for it. Imho. I don’t mind switching between on/off for war all that much myself. Alternatively, and if your alliance can stomach it, just place defenders who aren’t as vulnerable. As in, double or half immunes. In certain scenarios (Killmonger spring to mind, who’ll gain power fast) you can even get away with non immunes. If you go the other route at some point (full suicides but turn on and off), just make sure you set it up in such a way you only need to redo the attack tree. That’s manageable, especially if you do a bit of arena. Which is less of a pain with suicides.

    PS. I also run five at the moment. Full suicides.
  • NaikkonNaikkon Member Posts: 18
    Run only DE with magik if you have to kill medusa or champion too so you can put mystic dispertion on 5
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