The lag is disgusting now

The lag is not as it used to be. It used to be like a pause in the action but if you swiped before the pause it would do what you did before the pause but throw you off on the next move. Now, it totally removed your last action and pauses you in place leaving you open to get screwed. In one fight I dashed back to Dex storms sp2, I saw the lighting hit in the middle of him dashing back, it lagged and I got ko'd. Clearly evaded but doesn't matter. Hyperion, holding his heavy attack, lag and then he's just standing there gets ko'd. It's happening more and more often please fix this.
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sorry....even my iPad Pro is lagging slightly, I had to restart it and now playing smoothly again.
Z3 compact to Xz2 compact...what a difference.
Thanks in advance!