What is the non god tier champ you oddly want

I know Hood is a pretty solid champ, but for some reason I really really want to get him. He would go straight to rank 4 for me with a mystic 3->4 gem. Anyone else have champs they want that are the typical top champs?
but recently came to my attention Beast too... with some higher sig level his damage is really nice and he have some interesting utility on top of that too
Hulk (OG)
He was my first 6* almost a year ago. He helps me through anything Deadpool related.
I've always been a fan of her in comics and will r5 her even if the buff is not good.
From now on, I won't let the ranking of champions bother me anymore and will never sell a champ again.
By the time he was re-released for purchase I didn't have the need for another 3* champ since I was already running 4* & 5* teams.
Really wish he was available to earn without $