Darkhawk sp3 bug

I think darkhawk is a great champ. But I want to point out a couple things that seem like bugs to me.
I have never seen his sp3 crit? Is this a bug
Why can’t darkhawks sp3 crit?
Also when performing a sp3 when already in null mode it’s damage is the same as when not in null mode, even though he has triple the base attack.
Is this functioning correct?
I have never seen his sp3 crit? Is this a bug
Why can’t darkhawks sp3 crit?
Also when performing a sp3 when already in null mode it’s damage is the same as when not in null mode, even though he has triple the base attack.
Is this functioning correct?
His sp3 damage in general is pretty weak.
Also to clarify it does the same damage when you launch it from null mode as from no mode or any other mode.
This doesn’t seem correct. Null mode modifies your attack 300% when max sig
For ex
If ur base attack was 2000, null mode give you another 2000 attack , and your sig gives you another 2000 attack for a total = 6000
If like you suggest, you enter null mode the second you press the button to launch then: the sp3 would be EXTREMELY weak without the null mode boosts......I mean as weak as a regular hit.
At r5 /65 the sp3 is only hitting for 20k ...w suicides..what would his sp3 be without a 300% attack boost 6k? Seems way to low to be possible
His mediums are critting for 9k
I guess a way to test that theory is to compare the sp3 of two dark hawks at the same rank and lvl. One not awakened , one max sig, with all other variables the same
Let me explain why: when you are in null mode each hit you do infilicts a passive shock damage (including the specials). This is displayed on screen as a second damage number in red
Below are 2 screen shots of sp3 damage from the same fight vs winter soldier the first one launched from shield mode shows NO shock damage, the bottom on was launched from NULL mode shows the additional shock damage in red
So if null mode kicked in the instant the sp3 was launched you would see the shock damage in both instance
This shouldn’t be any different for dark hawk
For ex ....Star lords sp3with a 100 combo does much more damage than with no combo
If you re read above posts I am talking specifically about darkhawk launching the sp3 when he is already in null mode before launching it.....so he should have all the benefits to attack applied to his sp3
A)the sp3 is always getting attack bonus because null mode kicks in instantaneously (this doesn’t appear the case because the sp3 doesn’t get the shock that it would if he was in null mode, when not launched when already in null mode)
B. the attack modification of NULL mode and sig isn’t being passed on to the sp3 (because the damage is the same meh amount whether he is already in NULL mode when it’s launched or not)