Best ways to get 5 star shards..?
Now that I have 8 decent 4 star champions for aq and aw..And also coz of champion restrictions. I have decided to focus on 5 star champions.
What is the best place to obtain 5 star shards
What is the best place to obtain 5 star shards
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Grind arena to get dupes of champs, units, and bcs.
Don't spend units on crystals ever.
Save your units and use them on masteries and on content above your pay grade.
I have one 4/55 and 3/45s.
And I have 100 percent uncollected EQ the past two months.
And 2 months ago it costs me 800-1000 units on revives.
Last month it cost me 500-600 units on revives.
I don't know how much it will cost me this month.
But the actual uncollected EQ rewards are worth TEN times that many units easily.
My point is I started doing this with master 7-8 months ago spending 400-500 units a month of fully explore it.
I don't know how far along you are. But the best way to advance your account is to use units and the free revives and what not from playing to push through content in a reasonable manner to collect the shards and rank up materials.
I only have 17 five stars and only one true God tier.
Good luck