Need to find an active clan

I’m looking for an active clan to join.


  • darkmirrorimagedarkmirrorimage Member Posts: 12
    What level alliance are you looking to join, we are a silver 2 looking to reach gold. no donations required til we start playing map 5. we are pretty laid back but trying to be as active as posible within reason.
  • TheHeishTheHeish Member Posts: 6
    I just want a fun active clan that I can help. Send me an invite, or tell me how to join.
  • darkmirrorimagedarkmirrorimage Member Posts: 12
    ill send the invite now
  • darkmirrorimagedarkmirrorimage Member Posts: 12
  • Con892Con892 Member Posts: 106
    Added you in the game. Do you have line?
  • Jvdb2003Jvdb2003 Member Posts: 35
    Added you some time ago, why aren’t you responding to in-game messages?
  • OnkyOnky Member Posts: 334
    I have a spot if you have line. Add me onky707
  • UndeadHorizonUndeadHorizon Member Posts: 7
    We are silver 1 almost gold 3. Looking for active players in AW and AQ.
    We use line for communication. My ID is InSamity. If you’re interested you can HMU.
    We have very small donations of 35k gold 1k loyalty.
    AQ maps 4 and 5.
    Organized, committed, enjoyable. Some traits of the ally.
    We also finish AW/AQ quickly to free champs for other uses.
  • MommaBearMommaBear Member Posts: 40
    Sending an invite now. We are silver 2.
  • Major4Major4 Member Posts: 191
    Still looking for gold Alliance add me to line
  • PEKKACHUPEKKACHU Member Posts: 136
    Come join us, we do aq map 4 and last season we were in gold 2, we are quite chill and don't have much requirements, if interested contact me on line pewboom001 or jp0319beefy
  • Sebastiaan9000Sebastiaan9000 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2020
    Hi Guys, I do also need a clan... I
    can handle map 1. I have good technics in the game.
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