To rank up 4* still?

winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,107 ★★★★★
edited March 2019 in Strategy and Tips
I have been thinking if I should still rank up 4* (I have only six at 5/50).

I have sixteen 5* (only Iron Man awakened).

My base hero rating is 374k. :o
Only played up to Act 5.2.3.

With this Act 6 restriction (actually it does not affect me now, really :) ), do you still think it is worth to rank 4* to max. or focus work on getting a better 5* roster (though it will take long time)?

Should I take a leaf from this advise?

GUARD1AN said:

What makes being behind other players such a bad thing? Remember, this is a game. I've been playing since the week it came out, and my strongest are 5r2's. Feel free to look at my profile, KN1GH7-R1D3R. I have the title to prove it. Have I completed ROL? Nope. LOL? ROFL! 5.2? Nah. One of the most veteran players of the game, and I'm 'behind' most. I've taken my share of breaks from the game, sure. Especially its first year while Kabam was just getting the ball rolling. But I'm enjoying the game. Will I go Uncollected this year? Probably. But I'm in no rush. I'm building my collection, grinding the arena, playing around in the monthly events. I've taken all 74 of my 2*s to 3/30, and am now working on taking my 3*s to 4/40. I tried the alliance scene, even as 'low' as Gold 1 and a 3/3/4/4/4 schedule. Guess what, I already have a job - and I get paid, rather than having people cuss me out because I won't buy a revive to take another shot at a UC in AW. Act 6? Guess what, I'll be waiting until I have the roster to take it on. If you're getting stressed out over the game, it's not a game anymore. Think about that, and figure out what makes it a game to you. And why you're letting it be such a stress in your life that you're chewing out Kabam over a decision in their game.


  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,619 ★★★★★
    I don't stop Ranking anything. Obviously I examine the highest first, what I'm working on there. Meaning, if I have a 5* I want taken up, that takes priority. However, I've never gotten to a point that I've stopped Ranking 4*s. I don't know why that whole movement started, but it's in our Roster. It's there to be Ranked.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,107 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    I max rank all my 1* and 2*. Probably will do 3* too (because, there was a post speaking about content designed for 3* and below; still waiting for it).

    I don't have strong 4* and it seems like to get through Act 5, I need 5* stating from Act 5.2.4.

    Also, I am dropping in roster strength in my alliance (if I want to help, I may have to start working on 5*).

    If I want to progress, seems like mandatory change to focus on 5*?
    Going to be long road ahead though.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 770 ★★★
    edited March 2019
    I stopped ranking 4* beyond R3 a little over a year ago. I have been ranking all my 5* to R3 for the past year. I have 84, and only 9 are R1.
  • BirdReynoldsBirdReynolds Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    This is weird to me. 5* shards were much more rare when I was trying to build my 5/50 roster. Having 16 5* and only 6 5/50 just seems bizarre.
    Anyway. Yes keep ranking up 4*’s. You are still in a place where they will be very useful. Don’t pay too much attention to what goes on “above” you.
    Every rung on a ladder has its purpose.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,107 ★★★★★

    Having 16 5* and only 6 5/50 just seems bizarre.

    Yes, I agree. Fact is I am at 375k base hero rating. :#
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    It depend on the 5*s u have. If ur 5* roster is mostly mediocre and trash 5* then id still rank up 4*s until u pull good 5*
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,107 ★★★★★

    It depend on the 5*s u have. If ur 5* roster is mostly mediocre and trash 5* then id still rank up 4*s until u pull good 5*

    My strongest is 5* Vision (Classic) and followed by 5* awakened Iron Man (good for AQ :) ).
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 770 ★★★
    It seems you are still building a roster....

    I have a huge roster, so I save resources only for 5* rank ups. I knew when 6*’s came out that 5* were the thing to focus on and grind.
  • BirdReynoldsBirdReynolds Member Posts: 527 ★★★

    Having 16 5* and only 6 5/50 just seems bizarre.

    Yes, I agree. Fact is I am at 375k base hero rating. :#
    Didn’t mean that in a negative way, just how different it is from when I was in that stage.
  • Edgecrusher_13Edgecrusher_13 Member Posts: 53

    This is weird to me. 5* shards were much more rare when I was trying to build my 5/50 roster. Having 16 5* and only 6 5/50 just seems bizarre.
    Anyway. Yes keep ranking up 4*’s. You are still in a place where they will be very useful. Don’t pay too much attention to what goes on “above” you.
    Every rung on a ladder has its purpose.

    Really? I have 11 5* but only 2 4* 5/50

    I’m still ranking both 4 and 5’s although recently I had concentrated on getting my 4* roster to 3/30 for arena.

  • This content has been removed.
  • Rooney_NationRooney_Nation Member Posts: 65
    NOOOOOO! Banned in act 6
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,107 ★★★★★
    And I just pulled this! :):(

  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    If you still actively do arena, i would r5 enough 4*s to go from streak 10 to 15 of catalyst clash arena or featured arena, aka 5 teams. This will make it easier for you to reach infinite streak for farming resources. After that, can focus on 5*s
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,107 ★★★★★

    If you still actively do arena, i would r5 enough 4*s to go from streak 10 to 15 of catalyst clash arena or featured arena, aka 5 teams. This will make it easier for you to reach infinite streak for farming resources. After that, can focus on 5*s

    Do you mean at least fifteen 4☆ at 5/50?
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    edited March 2019

    If you still actively do arena, i would r5 enough 4*s to go from streak 10 to 15 of catalyst clash arena or featured arena, aka 5 teams. This will make it easier for you to reach infinite streak for farming resources. After that, can focus on 5*s

    Do you mean at least fifteen 4☆ at 5/50?
    you could, but the hard part i feel comes after streak 8-10, the streaks before that 4* 4/40 and below or 5* 1/25 will suffice.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,107 ★★★★★

    If you still actively do arena, i would r5 enough 4*s to go from streak 10 to 15 of catalyst clash arena or featured arena, aka 5 teams. This will make it easier for you to reach infinite streak for farming resources. After that, can focus on 5*s

    Do you mean at least fifteen 4☆ at 5/50?
    you could, but the hard part i feel comes after streak 8-10, the streaks before that 4* 4/40 and below or 5* 1/25 will suffice.
    Ok, thanks. I have yet to try out the 4* featured. :)
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    I've only ever tried 4* basic and t4 basic arena(not counting 3* arena of course lol), haven't tried 4* featured yet but im hoping the streak is similar to that of the t4 basic arena?
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,107 ★★★★★
    I am reading that infinite streak starts at round 21 for 4* featured whereas it is round 16 for 4* basic.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★

    I am reading that infinite streak starts at round 21 for 4* featured whereas it is round 16 for 4* basic.

    Yeah, so ill need 1 run to reach the 15, then another round to actually reach the infinite streak, thats my plan so far so i dont have to r5 too many 4*s
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,107 ★★★★★
    I was running 4* basic quite regularly.
    I used 3* from round 5-12, and for next 3 rounds (13-15), two 4* 5/50 + one 4* 4/40.

    Then min 3* max will do for infinite streak.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    with these new changes and requirements I would recommend only ranking up the 4* Champions that will help you overcome certain obstacles and progress through the game, but otherwise use the resources to take your 5* to rank 3. If you get a really good 5* then you can work on getting them to r4 and above but only do this for the champions that will consistently be used to help clear content.

    An example of a great 4* to rank up if you don't have them as a 5* and duped is a duped 4* ArchAngel. I have to say i found him to be very useful for act5 and also comes in very handy a lot in monthly quests. Knowing what we know with act 6 i would still take that guy to max rank as a 4* if i didn't have him as 5*.

    Other champions i have personally used as max 4* that helped a lot with clearing content prior to act 6 is
    Stark Spidey (Duped)

    I would also say i don't regret maxing these guys out as they have helped me clear certain content easier.
    so if you find a 4* you are using a lot which really helps you to clear content then by all means max them out.

    When you reach Act 5 and become uncollected I would start to move away from ranking any more 4*. From this point you should look at expanding and leveling up your 5* champs and pumping all your resources into your 5*

    hope this advice helps :smiley:
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,107 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    Bidzy7 said:

    hope this advice helps :smiley:

    Would you consider it a good strategy still (with Act 6's limitation plus slow in getting rank up items) to push unawakened 5* to rank 3.

    Separately, would you rank 5/50 an unawakened 4* (that is not taking up a slot in AWD)?

    Champs stuck at 4/40 now if its helps for info;
    GR, Magik, Morningstar, Medusa, Hela (sig 20), Doc Oct., Sentinel, Domino, Archangel, Blade, KM, Void, M.O.D.O.K.

    5* at rank 2;
    Medusa, Vision, Ultron, Sentinel, Nightcrawler.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    So from your 5* champions Medusa, Vision, Sentinel and Ultron are good to take up to R3.

    Medusa's ability to shut down robots is very valuable and will be very useful for Act 5 Ultron as well as helping when it comes to Variant. She also has armor break and armor shatter.

    Vision is also a great champ as he has double immunties and a power burn and heal block. His awakened ability is really good and is kinda key in order to effectively create a power lock mechanism since he gains power back after burning so can keep spamming his specials. But just having the ability to power burn on his sp1 and sp2 is so useful in so many scenarios. Also if you happen to have a Cap IW there is a synergy which makes his specials burn all power.

    Ultron is also a double immunity champ but he also has a heal at 50% and 25%. This is very useful for questing as in the higher end content you will take block damage. with this however you can sustain him longer then other champs without the need for potions. His awakened ability heals him when he takes energy damage so not something which is needed to make him a good champ and to be honest has very niche uses.

    Sentinel is a again a double immunity champ that is very tanky can heal block, armor break, incinerate and even has a heal. He has a huge benefit from being awakened. However he can still work unawakened. Building up those analysis charges can be done by doing a 4 hit combo into block and dashing back. This is a bit of a rank up but its viable. Once he gets to 100 analysis charges he is a beast.

    the double immunity comes in handy a lot in act 5 and beyond to deal with bio-hazard nodes

    Out of your 4* roster
    Magic is very handy. Power lock very useful for some content in act 5 and variant so i would say yes she is worth taking up.
    Blade is still useful unawakened and you do have a GR for his synergy so would say he is a viable champion to take up. His danger sense has so many uses and can really help with taking down the bosses in act 5 so again i would say worthy of ranking up.

    other then those 2 i would say maybe domino might be worthy of ranking up but it depends on rest of your team.
    If AA was duped then he would be worthy.

  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,107 ★★★★★
    Many thanks for this detail analysis. My other champs are

    Six 4* 5/50 awakened
    Hyperion, 🌟 Lord, Vision (AoU), Wolverine, Elektra, Luke Cage.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    well based on that, only 4* i would rank up are Blade and Magic. Both of which will help you in completing act 5.
    In terms of 5* I would say they should be ranked 3 in this order
    Sentinel ( if you awaken him then r3 him second)

    I put ultron second as his ability to regen at 50% and 25% is good for questing and clearing paths. this will also save you potions. However if you are confident in your skill and comfortable with parrys etc that your not needing potions when you clear paths then r3 sentinel before him.

    I would hold of on r3 Vision since you have him as 5/50. Save the resources for other champions for now.
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