Precision and cruelty mastery- how this works need help to understand it
Hi, I was about to do some changes in my mastery setup and wanted to put some points into precision and cruelty mastery. Can anyone, who know how these mastery works can help me to understand it. Does it help the champion critical rating, for example I am posting the image of my champ and the current critical rating stats.
If I add points to my mastery setup in precision mastery does this help to increase the critical rating mentioned in the champ stats. That is 877 as shown in the image. And the description of the mastery says that it will increase the rating by x number if I add points into this so by adding that x number does the champ stats 877 will go up ?
My question is where can I see this increase in the points of critical rating.
If I add points to my mastery setup in precision mastery does this help to increase the critical rating mentioned in the champ stats. That is 877 as shown in the image. And the description of the mastery says that it will increase the rating by x number if I add points into this so by adding that x number does the champ stats 877 will go up ?
My question is where can I see this increase in the points of critical rating.
First of all I just wanted to tell you that you've posted this question asking for some advice in the wrong section of the forums which is probably the reason you haven't gotten an answer!
This section is strictly for alliance recruitment purposes and as far as I can see your post has absolutely nothing to do with alliance recruitment! Re-post your question in this section and you're more likely to get some responses!
After you have parry and dexterity from the utility tree precision and cruelty are the basics of any mastery build.
The following link will take you to a very detailed & in depth guide on setting up your masteries and explains how everything works in detail.... I highly recommend you check it out!